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A member registered 61 days ago

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i enjoy this game. is it on steam? if not, do you consider ever putting it on such an online store?

sorry to say this but if you think this rant is about cartoon characters you're the slow one 馃槀 maybe dont jump into shit you dont understand next time and save us all the second-hand embarassment

why the fuck you care about my comment anyway? are you the alt account of the developer or something 馃槀 go on about your business little fella

oh is it? i thought it was a further version of the game and that the author was charging for something like an early access. thanks for the info, ima download the available one then

helo, when's the christmas update falling to the free tier?

being a sane person gets you branded now, and by a r4p3 fan at that 馃槀 what a fuckin time to be alive

ei? i think you got the wrong person man

anybody who's worked in an office settings knows there is nothing fun or cute about them 馃槶 most superiors are horrible persons and you can only meet decent coworkers if you are lucky

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how long does it take on average to complete the game and get every scene? ima download depending on that

edit: i did, seems like a good game but the android optimization unfortunately is not really well-done. ima get the full ver on steam since it is +165% more expensive here for some reason lol

seems like the writing style of a kid, so i assume people are trying to discourage them from being here

defiantly... wow. that's a strong word choice

that works? great to know! thanks

you got links or artist names for them? can't seem to find either

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great job with this game. the art and voice acting are impeccable and levels are easy to pass. mobile support (at least for browsers) and some girl-on-girl action with the other lady would be great to have

I love the artwork and the sarcasm in your games but that's just about it. This game isn't even fully developed as of 1/2025 and barely has any adult content. And, sadly, 99% of the time there is any spicy scene involving characters, ITS UNCONSENSUAL!!!! I HATE YOU FOR IT! There is nothing but pity and sympathy I can feel for Nika because her shitty world is full of people waiting to take advantage of her. I am beyond the crappy storyline part with NA (because, yes, you should accept every offer thrown at you when you are down, very smart). I am baffled by how you could build a game around r4p3 and have the victim go " was my first time, how sad :(" as if this is not at all a lifelong traumatic experience. At least with Era you can dodge most of those situations with the right choices (except the ghost that takes a hold of your body). Only time I saw something consensual happen in these games was Yuna taking off her bathrobe 馃ぃ and the rest of the %1 are Era's accidents like "oops let me pick up the ring," which are still far from being consensual but what accident is anyway.

If you want to play regardless, DO turn away in the jungle when the monster warns you and run off to the cabin on the right hand side when you are trying to get out of the beach. For the naked night run, the clothes are in the bin next to the brown house that is far on the right side again. 

(To the geniuses who will be like "why'd you play  then?": I first tried out NA for the art and my stomach could not endure it for more than an hour or so with concurrent restarts to keep her clean, until I got to the warehouse assignment by luck and saw the game for what it truly was)