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A member registered Apr 25, 2023

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how great, looking forwad to that. would've loved to see the art book, but we can't have everything we want in life. i think the people who played this game, would be more than happy to just have a walkthrough. thank you for the answer!

hii i feel so bad for asking this, but i'm really struggling to get all the endings (it's a pretty big game and i love it). would still be up for paying some $$ to get a walkthrough. is that still happening some time? xx

No, cause how come I just replayed Viatica again, and then decided to go to bed, woke up to an email "Fir & Fireweed has released a new game". I LOVE THIS SO MUCH, i can't express enough  my love for your writing, it's just magic. pure and utter magic. i enjoy writing myself so even just from that stand point, it's great, but as a fan of your previous work, this is truly a great way to start this year. again thank YOU for this. xx much love

I have not really read that many IF's before, but this game right here? 100% one of my favorites. Not just in the IF genre, but the whole visual novel, choice matters kind of vibes. It's so good, i love the setting, the lore and the characters. I'm so happy i found it when it was completed (girl does not have any patience so thank god for that), it was a fantastic experience. THANK YOU FOR THIS! xx

ahh ive never had any problems with buying games on itch before, but apparently it doesn't allow me to download or pay??? does anyone else have problems like this?

i have windows, so i just copied the PATCH file from the DLC directly into the bewitching-sinner-visual-novel file. so bewitching-sinners-visual-novel -> BewitchingSinners-1.9.8-pc -> "game" -> copied the "PATCH" into that one, then i went out of the "game" folder and opened the BewitchingSinners from the 1.9.8-pc file, the program one, and it worked lol

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Yeah, I tried that. Should I then open the game from the game folder instead of on itch? ahah this is so hard cause I thought I did it correctly but naah.

EDIT: NVM I GOT IT, thank you xero, soo excited now 

soo i downloaded it now, and i have bewitching sinners on itch, how do i get this dlc onto the main game? do i have to do something or what haha

omg i did not find felix's second route, bc i honestly thought that it would be the same BUT NOW I WILL DO THAT, thank you for the tip, happy not everything is finished just yet.

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just found this gem of a game and of course bought it. the story and plot was well written and captivated me from the start. i'm one of those who likes to have a walkthrough or some small guide available as i want some sort of guidance towards the ends, however you do not need it for this game. there's PLENTY of choices(which i LOVE), and the endings is for either of the stats and you get like the ending after with your LI. if you make the wrong choice, you can easily press "back" to make your choice again. the nsfw scenes were AMAZINGLY written, i loved every part of it. well done. i could not find any place where they said the recommended order to do each of the LI's routes, so i dont really think it has that much to say, however i did it in this order:

theo - friends to lovers, not my favorite but in this case, it worked out wonderfully and i feel like it was natural to start off with him. flirty horndog but lets be real, so is MC. went with the charisma ending on his good end, got first the bad ending and forgot that i could just go back instead of playing the whole game for the last choice lol. 8/10

atlas - now i don't know if you honestly should do felix or atlas second, but since felix is like the MC i figured atlas, then felix. though the routes with these two are veeeery intertwined, and you can basically just flirt with both of them, there's some differences if you choose the options that makes atlas's bar go higher and vice verca. LOVED the sexual content with atlas and his flirting with MC. loved how he was there for MC through some difficult times and shared some of his troubled past as well. did the intelligence ending with atlas. thought i wouldn't enjoy the forbidden fruit, but boy was i wrong. 9/10

felix - since i already did atlas in the first route, felix's route was very.. skippable, like i said, their routes are super intertwined and i did not hate that. it was nice to see how their buildup was, how MC and felix went from not liking each other, to interested to actually love each other. they have different upbringings but ending up together... it was good? i think it made more sense to me with felix and MC rather than atlas and MC, but it might just be my taste. again.. LOVED the sexual content here as well, i love how well written it was my god. did the strength ending with felix, since i thought it might be very similar to atlas's, however it was not. 10/10 EDIT: i did the second route with felix as dev said in the comments. did not disappoint, was even better than the poly route, sooo good. 100/10

alasdair - saving the best for last, am  i right or what? his route did not disappoint me at all and i do believe that his route is the one that you should play last, as this one tells you more about some questions you have when you play ex, theo's route. before i started the game and saw that a CAT was a love interest, i couldn't even believe how in the world that would work or even if i wanted to know how it'd work, but again, boy was i wrong. their relationship was easily my favorite out of all four of the LI, both in terms of friendship and intimacy. i liked their conversations, i liked how open alasdair was with that he was interested in MC's abilities and wanted to know more of it. the anticipation was k i l l i n g me, and having alasdair talking about boundaries and communication was amazing. i really liked how he wanted MC to voice what she wanted. everyone deserves alasdair in their lives. older LI is also a very big plus in my book. loved him both in human form and cat form. want to give him cuddles and pet him in both forms too. did all the stats endings with him, loved him that much. 100/10

the ONLY bad things, was in alasdair route, when you met with nina, her spirit changed form/clothes mid sentence, i believe that was a bug, so it's not a issue and it's only for one scene. also, wish the endings were longer, wanted to see their future future. but you know, you can't get everything in life.

don't want to spoil anything to the people who are considering playing the games, but honestly, buy it. play it. it's worth it. there's so many choices, a lot of bad endings but the good endings are so good. i really recommend this game, and it's not expensive at all. it's worth the price and honestly, i would not think twice if it was higher. THANK YOU clara for this game, i absolutely adored it. can't wait to see what you bring to life next xx

checking this page every couple of days, just because i'm so excited for it. the OG game is one of my absolute favorite in this genre, i'm so excited to see maxim and nika again aaaaah 

im super excited for the full release of this game! i'm not one of those who plays demos, so i've been patiently waiting for this, and the wait is over soon!! loove the other games maneki-mushi's got, so i will throw every last penny i have for this one

i havent been this excited for a vn for such a long time, i'm so excited to play this when it's out!! truly loved speakeasy and the story, will be so nice to see the characters again. thank you for this!

absolutely loved playing this game. i've had a couple of endings, and romanced 3/4, definitely worth the money!! if there's ever going to be a ivar's route (either here or patreon), you bet i'm going to buy it, bc ouuuff i love him. he's complicated and what not, but he's my fave. soo might just romance his son for now lol

i know, the game is running perfectly besides this guide issue, but i have taken my own advice and restart my computer !!!

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whats it called in your files??? im trying to check EVERYTHING that has to do with this lol

IF you could DM me on discord, could i perhaps ask you for some help with the files? siggysombrero is my username or siggy sombrero#9731 idk one of those at least

i have downloaded just that one, which is SO WEIRD bc whenever i press download it either comes up as the demo that im downloading or whenever that one is done downloading and im actually pressing the guide download, it doesnt appear??? so fucking weird

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how did you download your guide onto your files? like i go to my profile here to my "my purchases" and find this game, and then i just press "download" but nothing else really happens, expect the actual game being downloaded??? i have no idea what im doing wrong wtf

edit: just adding how my download site looks like

oooh im so happy for you!!! glad i could help!! let me know about the guide bc im really ripping my hair out here now, i have no idea how to open it or find it after downloading lol

i hope it works for you!! im still trying to access the guide bc im not able to find it anywhere, so good thing we both struggle with something haha

just press "launch"? hahaha idk like i said, im not really a genius when it comes to computers, however whenever i install a game on itch, it always just says "launch" here on the app for me hahah

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hello, yes i did download it, however, i have no idea how to access it AFTER the download. for some reasons i cant find it to actually open it with anything

edit: i just uninstalled the whole thing just to try to download the guide again, but no im just downloading the whole game? not able to find the guide in the files either so i have no idea what im doing wrong

def recommend you to make an paypal account, it's the safest option anyway :)

hmm i would rec to uninstall and then update and restart your pc, then try to download it again... tho im no genius, that usually works for me. also do you open the game by the files or directly from itch? mine works when i launch it from here

do you use windows? are you able to "run software anyway" when you get the message? i have gotten some type of message like that before, and if i press "read more"/"learn more" or something(sorry been a while so i don't quite remember the typing), it allows me the option to run anyway

anyone who knows how to access the guide after the download? i usually use steam but couldnt wait for it to be added there, and im a guide user so reeaaally could use the help haha

i think im dumb, bc i cant seem to find the guide, even tho i downloaded it?

if you're thinking about playing this game, you definitely should. it's a game with a LOT of content, lore and choices. i haven't played the other games to azure, however i can say that i am HOOKED on this game.  it's well written, the CGs are beautifully made and the music is great. 

the characters you meet have all different qualities and you'll fall in love with every single one of them. ash is a MC that's (in my opinion) also easy to love, with good comebacks to both the other characters and the narrator! if i had anything to add on the cons list, it would be that there's a few words that's spelled incorrectly, mostly just the mix up with her and him in a few sentences, however it's not a big issue and you can just look past it. also i'm really struggling to get like all the endings, its SO hard bc the game is so big, and i have no idea when the new endings starts to branch and what kind of choices i have to make to get the different endings. I WANT THEM ALL. sooo if anyone's got like some sort of walkthrough, that would help out a lot. i know that last year we were supposed to be able to buy a walkthrough from azure, but due to pregnancy, it was postponed (i'm guessing the baby has arrived now so congratulations are in order!!) and i'm not rushing to get an official or a big walkthrough, just some small pin-points to get the different characters endings.

other than that, it's an amazing game and i truly appreciate all the hard work that the developer has done, especially since they have a fulltime job and family!! i love it and i thank you azurextwilight for making this game. keep up the good work, xx

i actually ended up buying it on steam instead of itch, HOWEVER i see that several people have been giving negative comments on here so if you were like me and a little bit unsure about this game, let me tell you this: BUY IT!! it's worth it. i loved how all the guys were different, and that all of them had different backstories +++. i could play this game for many more hours, both for the nsfw and sfw content. it's fantastic to see a well build 18+ game for female gaze and that there were so many different kinks and types! i loved it and we really need more games like this. i have no words how good it was, only downside is that i NEED more than the endings that we got. and i applaud you dev for making this and im so excited to see what you come up with next. you've gotten yourself a new follower here! xx