The name of the 3rd upgrade for the Adlagala is missing.
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The 2.0 update appears to have broken A LOT of the images? The title page, the necromancer on every Faction intro page, the Coffin Bearer, the Excavator, the Orator, the Effigy, the Grubs, the Horde, the Starved, the Podge, the Face Melter, the Bog Body, and the Shepherd have all been either deleted entirely or replaced with corrupted-looking silhouettes of themselves. I don’t know if this is like an ARG thing going on or if the PDF data got super jacked up somehow.
1. Invocation of Decay - The description cuts off early ("Trigger: Turn start. 1 Vulnerable or").
2. First bullet of Egregore explanation - "f it is destroyed" should be "if it is destroyed"
3. Third bullet of Egregore explanation - "If an Egregore is destroyed, deal 1 Devil Damage to 1." I presume "1" should be "its Norn"?
4. Fourth bullet of Egregore explanation - "The first an attached" should be "The first time an attached"
5. Seventh bullet of Egregore explanation - "the Egregore is pulled until it is 2 in range 2". The first "2" should be deleted.
6. Lykho - "Grim Danse" should be "Grim Dance" based on the upgrades' text.
7. I don't see any explanation for how the "Special:" tag on many Oneirica abilities works. Does that mean it has to come from the Egregore to activate, since 3/4 are labelled "Oneirica Special"? But that's already what "Wake:" does, and some abilities have both Special AND Wake.
8. Chorus of Voices - "Any your ability" should be "Any of your abilities"
9. Necromancer Soul Upgrades - There's nothing listed after "Trigger:" for My Hopes or My Dreams.
10. Kindness' "Being" - "hollowity" should be "hollowness"
11. Anger's "Hatred" - "made ith +1D" should be "made with +1D"
12. Fear's "Survival" - "ith a foe." should be "with a foe."
13. Pride's "Finality" - "Sipe" should be "Swipe"
14. Pride's "Shatteredness" - "If it had no armor, it instead immediately takes 1 damage, ignoring armor." Everything after "1 damage" can be deleted. As established, that unit has no armor to ignore.