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A member registered Oct 03, 2019

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Okay, so I just finished my first playthrough. Hands down one of the best stories I've had the pleasure to experience. Sure, it has some of the "standard tropes" of a number of AVNs, but at no point did it feel contrived or forced or anything like that. It really flowed naturally.

You also had me laughing out loud multiple times throughout the chapters, which is something that I don't get much from games like this.

Oh, and the MUSIC? Generally the first thing I do after loading in is muting the music because it's that generic backing music that you just tune out after the first few minutes. But as I said in my previous comment, there were times where I had zoned out of the story just to listen to the music. I've shamelessly used the phone feature to see what song's playing to add it to my playlists. A+ feature btw, really saved me having to somehow blast music from my headphones loud enough for Shazam to register it.

To summarise: amazing game, amazing story, amazing music. I'm following you here and on Patreon because I am so eager to see how this story progresses!

Honestly, loving the musical soundtrack that you've compiled for this game. Almost have to turn it off, as I get that into the music that I overlook the dialogue and scenes!

I don't know if it's a bug or just a glitch with my particular save, but after specific scene the 'heartbeat' sound effect doesn't dissipate or disappear after that scene ends. I've had to turn the music volume down to 0 as it was really starting to drive me nuts.

Hey, just a heads up that when playing through Ep 3, when talking with Emily in the hospital, I get this message:

Hitting ignore seems to fix it, but just wanted to make you aware for future updates/versions.

Other than that, loving the gameplay and story so far!