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A member registered Feb 23, 2024 · View creator page →

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id love to have you guys on my team! 

my discord is blackangel0943. i use godot 4.2 hope that wont be a problem

(1 edit)

actually i need someone for music/sound id love  to have you  

my discord is blackangel0943 (i dont look at my discord alot so it may take a while for me to respond)


hi im an artist/preogrammer i use godot 3.5 but i do have 4.1.1. i would love to be ona  team heres my discord if your interested


yea when i said hold i ment hold for a good second 

im new to animations and sounds with godot so its a weird

let me know if there are any errors i missed

im the main programmer do you use godot 3.5?

i am the programmer :)

ooooo id love to have you on my team

my disc is blackangel0943 if your interested (may take a while to respond)

WOW this is great art!

id love to have you on my team (we only have me and a composer rn)

my disc is blackangel0943 if your interested (may take a while to respond)

itd be great if you could join my team heres my disc if your interested

blackangel0943   (may take a while for me to respond)

we have an artist all we need is some gud music  if your interested heres my disc blackangel0943  (may take a while to respond)

i already have an artist so now all i need is someone to make some music and sfx (i use godot 3.5 btw) if your interested heres my disc blackangel0943 (may take a while for me to respond)

damn sorry i (mostly) use 3.5 for my games hope you find a good team tho


hello, i dont really need a game desighner for this jam. but i am working on another game for a different jam that i would def need a game desighner/level desighner for. if your interested my disc is blackangel0943 (may take me a while to respond)

do you use 3.5 or 4.1?


no idea what audio programming is but it sounds cool ... and i need gud sounds so heres my disc if your interested blackangel0943 ( i rarely look at my disc so i may take a while to respond)

well i would love to have you... as im not the best at art. heres my disc  blackangel0943 (i rarely look at my disc so i may take a while to respond)

im mostly looking for someone whos good with sound... cause im not.  other godot devs would also be fine (i use 3.5.1 btw)