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A member registered Aug 26, 2021

Recent community posts

was he the one that answered the comment here? I talked with him a lot

what happened?!?!?

what happened?!?!?

Nolo, thats sad

hey, i saw the tree that say harvest if you have patreon? How does it work? What does it do and you have to have a specific level of patreon or the 1€ is ok too?

How did i miss on this peak?

Nevermind i've done it

I found out i downloaded a pirated versione of your game, now for respect because your game Is the greatest game i ever played and i'm basing my game to your i bought It here on but there's some way to share the savings? Because i played for 10 hours i don't wanna lose It 😭

By the way, you must add pregnant and i saw the plug that the lady and their names, i can't wait, especially for sigma

Ohhh so i don't Need to pick the precise thing, cool, far easier than i throught 

Hey sorry but now i'm really Stick, has been at least and hour that i try this infinite bridge but i really can't understand how

I'm the only One that's trying to make a game while not being able to draw 😭

I love It but sadly all the porn scenes in my laptop are so laggy 😭, i Also have a question, i've been searching for an artist for my porn game, May i know Who the artist for your game Is? I love those shortstack

My bad i was in the wrong room, i was in top left not top right

How do i bath? I'm Stuck at the start because i don't know how to bath 😭

No One: me trying to make a Judy hopps character in lust doll plus

Also me finding out that grey color isn't an option for hair, ears and tails *punch keyboard*

Just a question, if i get patron and subiscribe for Just a month when the subscription end Will i still be able to play the patron versione of the game :3?

Ohh my God yess huggg, i needed hair colors

as a 5'2 femboy i love when they stink

Nice update

that's so cool, you're the best

Some cool hair style would be godly or maybe the ability to change the color of the eye sclera and of the pupil would be op


Sorry i've been absent, gg


Ehy i'm stuck here idk what to do

it say error when i try to download the latest version on windows


Awww gg i missed you ❤️


to late my ADHD mind Is arleady working, btw i'm using godot, you?

30 days, i miss you buddy, btw i started making my game too


at what point are you with the english transation?


Nice uptdate!

Gg even if i don't know what this game is about i will still play it



Nice update, imissed you