I stumbled upon Decay while researching benchmarks for myself and a co-developer, and I was impressed by what I found. Particularly as we are using Godot as well, this stood out to me.
The scene looks great and also performs very well for me, even on Ultra settings with maxed render scale. As I'm relatively new to Godot, I'm interested in understanding more about what's going on in the scene.
The lighting in the scene appears to be a mix of baked lights (sun) and non-baked lights (smaller spotlights), is this correct? I got the impression the other lights were not baked due to the sharper shadows. Does the scene utilize SDFGI and Lightmaps together?
I also noticed the reflections and transparencies in this scene; are the reflections done with baked reflection probes, like on the bar/cafe window for instance? The reflections on the metal platforms, are they SSR? Though the reflective detail on the graffiti is fantastic.
Speaking of the graffiti, are they part of more complex materials applied to the walls, or are they decals?
I'd greatly appreciate any insights you could share. Your work is truly inspiring and seems like the gold standard worth aiming for in our own project.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this.
(Edited typo)