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A member registered Feb 06, 2023

Recent community posts

So, tried to download the latest update using the app that you can use for the computer but it wasn't registering. so uninstalled the game, thinking it miner bug, and it is saying no compatible downloads found. I was wondering if anyone else is suffering the same problem.

does anyone know what the last locked gallery scene for redroot wilds is I'm confused because I thought all the scenes with cabote, but its still says that their is still a locked scene so now I'm confused

I have never seen this seen before, how do you get it?

I have been really enjoying this vn so far I have noticed something, during my playthrough of dozars route, two images arn't loading, garden2 and resturant_garden, and is just a black screen with the characters in front of it. I thought to mention it here, but so far I really love the vn and will be looking forward to what alse you will do.

how do you do you the marazet's maid tf? I've been trying to see how to unlock it but it keeps showing up as nothing in her tf options