hehe neat! :3, also my bday its dangerously close :P, aniway, HAVE A GREAT DAY OR NIGHT :3
Recent community posts
Wellcome back ovidiu, its been long isnt it? X3, welp i hope youre doing good, i understand if u took time to do your stuff, may i ask, when you tink steam release its gona happen?, how many wishlists does pai have? (exact number if posible :3)
i never losed hope and il get it on steam as soon as it releases!
(u can reply to the question on the coment i left on the "PAicom Steam Release!?!? (info)" development log instead if u want)
ik i aint related to the developement of paicom but or 1, we are CLOSE as hell or 2, it reached its goal but Ovidiu its being massacred by tons of homework to the point that cant even just look at steam, 2 months aggo in a coment heanounced paicom had lightly over 2.4k wishlists, and he hasnt replied to those coments of 2 months aggo, so thats my guess
lets see how this goes :3