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A member registered Oct 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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thank you! 

all of the source is located in the .zip file in the second link.  

I'm still trying to get the source onto the Github page but I'm having some trouble because of ther larger file sizes but it should be up soon thank you for your patience!

Thank you very much! I think the platforming ended up way harder than intended lol

Thank you very much! I was hoping the jump challenge would help kinda make it more interesting but instead it seems more frustration i'm gonna need to fix how platforms affect the jump in the future.

thank you! I think in the future I need to check that the platform that your standing on doesnt add its speed and direction to the player when they jump but in the essence of time i kinda went with it and tried to turn a bug into a challenge feature hahah it certainly ramps up the difficulty.

Thank you for letting me know! I packed it all into a .zip file and it should be all set now. I just tried to download it from a different computer and it worked.