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A member registered May 01, 2021

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So I'm having an issue, and have tried multiple ways to get around it. I was able to travel to Madrana and speak to the queen, and then after coming out had the hooded figure tell me about the ritual in 3 days. So I was able to get the count down to the day of, but I'm stuck in a loop. Regardless of whether I accept or decline the offer, when I go to sleep in the castle I get the warning about the offer and have to answer again. I have tried multiple times, saving before and after speaking to the queen, and looking around everything in the castle and town. No matter what I do or try, I get stuck in the same loop of having to talk to the queen after getting warned.   T . T

I will try those tomorrow and see how it goes. I’m really looking forward to seeing the extent of the game, since I love RPGs in general. If mobile browsers didn’t like to fail on me after a couple hours of gameplay I’d have likely not run into this issue. Resetting my progress after 2 hours of grinding/gameplay is never on the top of the list.

I am running whatever is LTS as far as the kernel and base progs, and on the launcher it is currently 25.4.1, butler is 15.20.0, and the itch setup is 1.26.0.  I hadn’t tried a version of your game prior on my Linux box because it was working on Firefox for my iPhone. I do however have the V0.0.9 of your game, if I can load it into the launcher and see if it works? If not that site you referenced does suggest a fix, which I may try as well.

Yes, it is the linux build that's giving these errors. I am using Manjaro, which is built on Arch. Do you have any suggestions?

Downloaded the game in itch, and all three launch options give errors. Play in browser works, on both my linux machine and on iOS. Attempted to attach screen shots of error codes.