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A member registered Jul 25, 2023 · View creator page →

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sorry for the very late response , i quit in the first level at the  zig zag wall section that then jumps over water , the water should have 2 rombus like structures to the left and the right , you jump right inside the castle and on the floor there should be a red carpet , here is some additional information that may help , the data was lost when i refreshed the browser , also the browser i am using is brave , when i try to play all three  save slots say new game ,  It also may just be an issue on my side , is there some sort of manual save/export ? if yes i might have missed that which would make sense . if you need any more info feel free to ask , even though i might respond a bit late again , 

this game is great but the saving should be checkpoint based not level based , unless it is that way but it dosen't work for the webgl , otherwise great game

First of all , my written english is quite bad so excuse me if in some places it is hard to understand what I mean or I misspell stuff
maybe you know, or maybe it is broken only on my end , or maybe it is a webgl issue , but at the moment the game is unplayable at the moment which is understandable because this was a game jam project and I guess it was rushed , so here is a list of issues I have with the game at the moment ,bugs and mechanics :

BUG 1 - At the moment the camera is busted to a degree I have a hard time moving or attacking which is the main issue , it may be because of the camera pan feature. 

BUG 2 - if you stand still and dodge sometimes  the mugs go underneath you and leave you floating and you can completely leave the map, I guess there is no force pulling the player down at all time or something like that?

ISSUE 1 - when you defeat enemies they drop orbs of healing which say (S) or (L) which first I assumed is the key I have to press in order to collect them but later I realised it meant how strong the buff was  I recommend instead of putting a letter in the name represent it trough visual stimuli for example making the orb bigger

ISSUE 2 - the combat is not really combat , at the moment it feels like you just have to take whatever damage the enemies throws at you while you inch them down, I still wasn't able to get past the fight scene because of this , there is no reliable way of defending yourself or recovering health because the health only drops when you kill the enemy and often times you take more damage then you get healed

there probably is more to say but this message is already long enough and probably hard to read , we are both on the "Indie Dev  Feedback" discord server so if you want to talk more about this just DM me or send me a ping or something , I also have a small recording of the bugs if you think that would be helpfull to you
 I hope you and your team have found this feedback helpfull and I don't think I have got anything more to say for the moment , as I said , if you want to talk more feel free to ping me.

the files are currently missing

browser version dosen't really work add a fullscreen button or change the port settings to 1240 x 720

include the link to the previous day project not just the creator

is it a package file ? if so i think you have to import it from the unity package manager

can you not just press on the open project button then copy the path of the folder? 

this happened to 2 projects up to now i download the project files and open them with unity in order to se what i'll have to work with but the scene is empty , anybody experiencing the same thing ? am i doing something wrong or did i just get unlucky with other peoples projects ?

on webgl version the page crashes when i press "next level" on levels 2 and 3

but the rest is pretty good , i like it