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A member registered Jan 30, 2019 · View creator page →

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Haha I'll take it as a huge compliment :) Thank you for playing ! Cheers 

Hi :) Thanks a lot for your comment and the suggestions!

When you say 'more active' , do you mean 'last longer and/or come back a few times' ? 

If it's what you mean , maybe I can answer all of your suggestions at once : I thought a lot about the difficulty of the game and what I wanted the duration of a session to be.It's a jam game, so I had to be simple and quick, and I wanted the game sessions to be quick and challenging, so I tweaked a lot all the aspects of the gameplay like the respawn time of the tombs , speed of the hunter and the ghoul, health , and stuff like that. In the first iterations, Tombs were not destroyed when digged ,life returned, and the alert was here for all the duration of the session. And playing it for a while, I thought that the game was becoming too easy too quick, so I deleted the alert, made the tombs breakable and life loss definitive, and finaly add the alert again but just once in the begining . 

At the time , and with the objective of short sessions , I did not think that a save option was necessary. But I'm working on an other little game at the moment, and save will be needed, so I may come back to this game and add it too. If you think it's useful , maybe other people would agree with you.

All of your suggestions are leading to one possibility, if I work on the game again , I may add difficulty levels, maybe an easy or normal mode with more alerts and life returning when reaching a certain score, and maybe a difficult mode with no alerts and definitive health loss.

I hope my (too long) answer covers it all ! 

Cheers !

Thanks a lot ! I fixed the bugs you mentionned in your vid and tweaked the speed of the characters , feel free to test it again if you want to. I'll let you know if I continue working on this game ( it might happen, I have a few ideas I want to add to the game ).  Cheers !

Hey ! Thanks a lot for your  review and for showing the bugs . As said in the description, the game was made in two weeks , it's a one-man project  and I uploaded the game half an hour before the end of the jam, so I did not have the time to test it very much. I'll fix the music and the problem that prevents from restarting the game after two runs. Also , you are not the first annoyed by the speed of the characters so i'll fix that too ! For the rest,  I may be working on the game some more to add an increasing difficulty. Thanks again for playing and showing me the review ! Cheers 

Got the 6 of them ! Nice little game, made me think of alchemy or doodle-god-like games, when you have to mix elements to discover new ones ! Nice :)

Hey !! Thanks a lot for your feedback ! Glad you like it !

You are absolutely right , when I have time to update the game, this will be the first thing I work on. The game needs to be more difficult , more hunters , more ghouls , more bones to get to perform the rituals the more you spend time in a run , things like that,  because if you play a few games , game starts to be really easy when you get it haha .

Anyway , thanks again for your feedback ! means a lot !


1. Hi there! What's your name? Want to introduce yourself?

Hey everyone ! My name is Thomas , and I'm from France !

2. Did you participate in the last jam we held? If so, what do you plan on doing better this time? If not, what's your reason for joining?

I've never participated in any jam ever ! So MyFirstGameJam is... my first game jam ! I join this jam because I think that a 14 days jam is a good start,enough time to  develop an idea, make some mistakes, learn new things along the way and still be able to finish a little project (I hope so..) , so why not !

3. What games are your favorites? Did any of them inspire you, or made you want to make your own?

I like a lot of  games, from console games like Zelda and Mario to competitive online PC games, but my love will always be with retro and indie games. I think that Zelda A link to the past is why I'm here today !

4. Do you have experience with game development? What did you do/with what engine?

I recently left my job to start developing games on my own. So I have never released any game for now , but  I'm working on my first project, made with game maker studio 2.

6. What are your goals for this game jam?

This jam is the opportunity to make a project from start to finish with a real deadline, to work on something fresh, even if it's just an idea, and maybe , start working on it more seriously if the feedback is positive ! And of course, this is the place to meet people with the same passions and goals !