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A member registered May 18, 2021

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I'm sure the Dev will consider your observations sincerely. This one seems to be a rare breed in that he reads and considers ALL feed back gratefully.

Iirc 8 key triggers an ejaculation animation, and there's an inflation slider you might find needs tweaked in the settings.

try using the 'self pleasure' key when near something that wouldn't normally just kill you. You'll attract the attention you seek...

Also, there's one dude(?) and it's a Technical Pre-Alpha Alpha... chill with the negativity. It's good thus far given the circumstances.

I am unable to participate in 'subscription models'.  I did pay $20 US here on 1/1/23.  Looking forward to being able to use more of the crafting.  As it is now, the Steel gets made but vanishes. Yes the patch is installed and working.  Keep up the great work!

Android 10 here. Black (very dark / no light) character here too.  Frame rate is reasonable, though.

Changing the display brightness (screen backlight) to max before launching doesn't help.

Turning off Auto-Brightness before launching doesn't help.

For the record, I get solid 45 fps on max visual settings in Eve Echoes and Diablo Immortal on this device, and no lighting issues.

On my PC lighting is fine.

The pregnant in editor, but not on spawn in, is a new occurrence.
In fact, that's the first time I've seen it force the pregnant belly on creating a new character.
My real character is supposed to be pregnant, but on loading she's visibly pregnant, but the icons at top left are gone.
From the Main Menu, clicking the save for my main loads my main in the editor, then clicking new game loads the default model, but makes it appear pregnant.  This without modifying any sliders for pregnancy, c-fill, or general shape(s).

(3 edits)

I seem to have success with the breasts when I leave the 'implant' alone.
Resizing the implant (smaller/null) causes the breasts to be severely impacted by gravity and much reduced size, regardless of what the natural/diameter/cleavage/etc. are set to to compensate, for a more natural look.
Although it looks great and realistically natural in the editor.  Once you hit the beach, goodbye gams.  No/Small Implant = Itty-Bitty-Knee-Knockers as soon as you spawn on the sand.

Please consider a separate jiggle/wiggle/firmness for the glutes and breasts; even if it were added much in the future, I'd certainly wait for it.

After creation, the name sticks, but at some point, manual saving then loading maybe... the Name goes back to the current Machine Name.
I'll investigate that more and report once I can pinpoint a replicable sequence.

In_Editor settings and appearance:

At-Spawn appearance:

I have no idea why it's showing me 12 months pregnant in the editor at new game creation, that's new to me.

really disappointed this is being sent to steam.  Have been following this with baited breath, watched streamers play it... I was prepared to 'shut-it and take my money', but alas, I cannot and will not ever again agree to steam's ToS/SA.  I am not alone in this; there are a large number of people who feel the same (about steam and it's ToS/SA) and are silent about it, as in they wouldn't waste another second to even explain that they like an offering, but will not, under any circumstances, engage with steam.  most of them are of the mind that if the offering goes to steam, then there is no point in even vocalizing that they'd get it, but from any 'other than steam' outlet.