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A member registered Jun 28, 2021

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I didn't know that when I made my original comment, sorry.

Thank you so much :D and yeah now that I know I'm not supposed to be playing as myself I'll definitely finish the game. Thanks  for the suggestion too, and I hope you have a good day as well :)

i know it’s not a dating game, but the characters being attractive is noted in the game’s description. I changed my original comment now to make it seem less like I thought it was a dating game. And no I haven’t finished playing it, I’ve just finished chapter 1. And I know the MC has a gender? That’s what I was complaining about. I don’t like being called madam every 5 seconds when the game is in first person perspective and I put my name into the game lol. It’s like they were talking to me and calling me that. And I don’t know what the protagonist looks like past the image of them face down on the ground… Just usually games that are in first person perspective are supposed to be where the MC is the player. If the MC is their own person then usually the game will show a picture of the MC or something. So sorry for not knowing that. I’m still going to finish the game but I’m just uncomfortable with the characters calling me “darling” and “dear” and “madam” in every other sentence. 

(2 edits)

I was liking it until I was called 'madam'. I would really prefer if we could choose what gender our character is or just leave it ambiguous. I'm a trans guy so I really dislike games that have ME be a girl. If my character already has a name and personality and stuff then them being a girl is fine, but in this game it seems we're supposed to be a blank slate/ it's supposed to be the irl player but in game. We can even choose our own name. So I don't understand why the player is forced to be a girl. Just because there are attractive guys in the game doesn't mean only straight girls will play this. 

Edit: read my replies to other people, I didn't know that the MC is supposed to be her own character, but I know now. I just kinda wish I'd known that before so I didn't make this comment lol. Like the description of the game could say "You play as a girl who wakes up in a strange mansion etc. etc." or something. Sorry for sounding like I don't like women in video games or something.