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A member registered Oct 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hi, biggyzee

Sorry for late response - it's very sadly that you don't like our game.

Anyway - thanks for your rewiew, your time and good wishes to our team. 

P.S. Try contact i think there is the way to refund here.

Hi, Longjohn589

The major choices strongly influences the storyline - that's why it's the Major. 

So please be carefull and think twice before you answer.

Hi, StarhunterCZ

1) The Cheats checkbox (means you become a cheater in relationships with girls) in the game preferences disables the ability to choose girls, or in other words, enables the so-called "harem mode". 

This option is under development, so we are hiding it without specifying what it does. In the final version of the game it will work as we intended. But for now, it may have bugs.

You can read more about cheat mode in this developer log: link.

2) Yes, we have plans to add a replay scene gallery - and we're already working on it, but we don't have enough people, so progress is slow.

3) Don't worry, you didn't miss anything - the gray icon with the briefcase is one of our next features we plan to add to the game, but for now (at the end of 0.4-P2) it's closed - sorry but i can talk about it now.

Hi, Canngrim

We are happy with any help we can get - if you are intrested you can DM me in our Discord: here's invite

Hi, there FadeSeeker

Short answer is yes - it will be in the game. But it's not completed for now.

If you need more complex answer: we talk about pregnancy roots in one of our august dev logs - here's link for it

Hello, CraftyParty1277

Sorry for late response if it still actual please DM me in Discord we will fix that.

Discord invite

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Hi, Killjoylovejoy

Thanks for your review. 

Really sad about you don't like our girls mouths :D

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Hi, igorek225345

Please - without no spoilers on main page. 

We have a special topic in our DIscord for plot discussion.

Discord invite

project ATMOSPHERE 0.4-P3 will come this year.

Hi, Xoxo22

It will be here - when it will be released :D

Sorry for that and for late response - please DM me at Discord if you are still have troubles with download speed

Here's Discord invite

Most of the time in the development of VN games is dedicated to posing the characters in frames, as with every render, the character models need to be adjusted slightly (arms, legs, lips, fingers, etc.), and it requires hard work. Animations are also primarily based on posing.

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Hi, Banjorune!

Sorry for late response:

1) if you are buy a current version - send me DM at Discord and i will give you alternative MEGA link.

Game size for current version is more than 5GB so we decide to change major link to Mediafire because MEGA are have download limit 5 GB without subscribe.

Here's Discord invite

2) If you are wanna try public version look it on Patreon - sadly here's on we can use only one link for the game. On our Patreon we have alternative MEGA link.

Hello slosophone!

We will look into this. 

But be aware, sometimes we(and other dev) are making a long pause for showing a text for creating special mood in dialog.

No i didn't recive any messages. 

Pls type your nickname at Discord. If you are join our Discord server I will try to find you and contact you myself.

Hi, DarkRiffer!

Please DM me at Discord - i can give you alternative link.

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Hi, Woozy562!
Thanks for your kind words - it's mean to us!

0.4-P2 will be released for public when 0.4-P3 will be released.

Here's @ itch.oi platform you can buy a current (last update) version - the new updates are released like separate titles and you need to buy it again (like next episode of movie or Netflix seasons).

We are indie developers and create our game by crowdfounding model. 

If you wanna support the game and us(developers) than you should look to our Patreon or SubscribeStar sibscriptions(our patreons are get a new updates for subscription).

Hi, BigDickChungus

Try a different app to unzip game.

Hi, causticmaman.

Sorry for late response.
Please DM me at Discord - we need your save files to check it.

Hi, CinderFall201

We have a lot content, so i’ve been say its about 2-3 days (without skipping anything) of play from start to the last available day of the game(day 22).

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Hi, rpeataftrme

Try to find it on internet - i'm personnaly use this free tool:

Thanks SR007 

We are appriciate your support!

Thanks, SR007. My reply also without offence to you personaly:

No there's no smart financial move we just wanna live and make this game. All simple.

DrMad has quit his "regular" job to make this game, he needs to eat and feed his family. Buy cloth for wife and childrens. Pays his bills (you know what electricity bills you get when your PC with 4090 GPU on board are bakes renders / animations all day and all night?). 

He works on this game without dayoffs and weekends - every day. And this is rutine for all VN creators, that's why they all are burnout... Because all you have is RUN, and nothing more than RUN. If you stops you dies.

If we talk about me - i have a "regular" job(almoust 10 hours per day and 5 days of week) so i can work on our game only in my free time or weekends (sometimes its eats all of my weekends / vacations and dayoffs) and it's really hard - you know, when you need to do a work on your freetime even if its work on your game - it's still a work. And because our subs numbers are pretty low - for now i work on the game for free...

The main thing of my speech:

Small developers like us (especially when we talk about adult games) doesnt have a sponsors or something... We don't get any regular money flows from other sources than crowdfunding platform. No one pays us for our work on the game, only our loyal subs are make this game real. 

Now we have Itch platform and we are try's to sell our game here - soon we will realese a new update here but firstly we need to thanks(by doing early acsess to them) our crowdfunding subs because we live on their subscriptions.

Next steps what we will do:

Rebuild the start of the game (introduction scene's for Jessy, Susan, Betty, Monica, Amy), and fix all translations problems before release our game on big platforms. We wanna fix the big mistakes we did when we start development. Adds a replay gallery. Than we will think about next move.

It can be Steam release by seasons model (this is financialy smart move - you(as dev) will get "early" money from selling parts of the game and a boost to subs that will grow your regular crowdfunding income), but we are not ready.


Here's our thoughts about it from one of our dev status posts:

Release on big platforms: We often get asked whether our game will be released on big platforms such as Steam or GOG. The answer is a resounding YES, our game will definitely reach these platforms someday. But before that happens, we would like to finish the story, do some refactoring of the beginning of the game, and change a few introduction scenes for some characters. We did not want to cut our game into seasons like many crowdfunding creators do. We understand that releasing the game on such large platforms would bring even more popularity to our game, but we value our fans and want to create something unique for them. Even if it does not bring the revenue that we could get by releasing the game in parts (season model) on a large platforms, we are committed to making something special for our fans.

Hi, TysonL!

No, there's no NTR in our game - feel free to play it.

Hi, Blade175

Game was originally made for straight playthrough with one girl as your love interest. But if you want more content - we have game mode which allow multiple love intrest in our game.

You need switch it by "Cheats" check box ("Harem" mode) in game preference. This thing are switch off cross route choices for girls and allow players to see all content. Every update we are work on it(it's not just off cross lines - we have special dialogs lines made special for this mode), but we recommend use it for second playthrough. It's sill under development (thats why we hide it without explanation).

Hi, ExpungedUser

We have it(itch app support) in our backlog - but for now we have more important features in development.

Hi, Chestercat

Please - don't warry there's no trojan in this build (we check it).

Some antivirus software can alerting RenPy stats analytics features of game engine as files with virus software - this is false alarm.

Feel free to enjoy the game. It's safe.

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Hi, AzureHawk

Story are not complete, for now (0.4-P1) it's something by the middle.

Sady we don't have plans for Female character. 

There's only one MC and he is a male.

Game is still in development - soon (this month) we will release 0.4-P2 update.

Hi, jj-guitar

Please DM me at Discord - we need your save files to check it.

Hi, Raprx

Please try workarounds rom this topic.

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Hi, Frisho

Sorry for late response - if you are still have this issue - DM me in Discord and i give you the link for other file hosting.

Hi, Vertt 


We talk about in in our previous dev status.

Hi, Gilligan49

Please DM me at Discord, we will fix it.

Hi, flarez26

The last version of the game and Storybook are separate titles. 

So it's separate purchase with full amount of price.

And as i post in reply below - Storybook was created for our high tier subscribers (20$ and higher) - for thouse players who want give us more support... It's our way to say thanks for our high tier subs.

It have way more less content than original game - just to be clear, don't be dissapointed.

Hi, ArcherMourn

Let me help you:

  • 0.4-P1 - it's the last update for main game (included all previous versions content) projectATMOSPHERE with a lot of content (22 game days).
  • Storybook - it's standalone additional content storybook (with three separate story events - which not included to the main game). Storybook was created for our high tier subscribers - for thouse players who want some more content with projectATMOSPHERE charracters...

Here's release notes for both games with numbers.

Yeap, definitely.


Hi, thatrandomweeb

Thanks for your kind review.

0.4-P1 have content for 21 days. 

In our game was bug with "Yui's coutryhouse" loop - but we fixed it. 

You need download last version of the game.

Hi, BigDickChungus

It's already out for Android - current version 0.4-P1 is availible for Android devices.

If you asking for public release, it will happen when new update (almost done) will be released. Stay tuned.