i keep running into errors when doing clothed creampies or when doing creampies in general. the game keeps bugging out. awesome concept but needs some serious work.
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Will you ever be releasing this game on steam?
would be cool if there were different animations for different guys that come in also taking multiple at once.
I know it defeats the purpose of the mechanic but I have like a fetish for upskirt sex so if we could get some of that id be ever so grateful.(maybe just have the option of lift skirt instead of taking it off) more options is always better, maybe even have unlocks for certain acts
having more areas and things you can do like going to the breakroom or mens restroom
having random things you can click on in the background that do goofy things would add some charm to the game and fill the dead space.
instead of outfits having full on character customization and unlocks for articles of clothing hair color and style jewelry ect would add depth and progression
more interactive sex would be cool so its more interactive or like a mini game
having an extra menu with stats and maybe have attainable kinks or the more you do x act the better you get at it and unlock more acts like it
maybe have it so you gain suitors that give you money for progression