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Shane Treznoski

A member registered Apr 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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Not rude at all, I think you have some great ideas! :)

Wow that looks great! I especially like the unique traits and the beetle treats. I almost implemented something about treats in this document actually. 

I'm pretty busy with some other Mausritter projects right now, lot of paintings and playtesting in the works for a big setting/adventure  supplement I'm working on, along with some other personal art projects. Could be fun to work on at some point in the future though, or if you wanted to continue with it that would be cool too! Looks like you've got some great ideas already 

If it helps, I'm planning on statting them out as an NPC race eventually. Here's a little watercolor I did (that could use some touching up) of a swashbuckling rough-skinned newt merchant! Hawking goods to some mouse adventurers.

Long toed salamander's are also local! I thought about using rough skinned newts, but wanted something smaller and a little less poisonous as a player character  :)

Woot! Invite friends over for a game night and ambush them with facts about native ecology and our fragile ecosystems🌲🌲🌲

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!

Wow, thank you so much! It's great to know that people are enjoying it  :)