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A member registered 28 days ago

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maybe you can try dowloading the itch app and launching from there? i mean i did that but it didnt work so i hope they find a solution soon :(

this was so cute omg!! are we going to get any more content? <3

i have tried both :( its just a black screen with a loading symbol on the corner , i even let it run for hours incase somethings was dowloading

the game doesnt open on mac :(

will we get more Francesco with the new release? <3

I honestly don't know what to say , there are tears in my eyes as I write this.(/srs) This is definitely the best vn I have ever played , I had to take like 10 minutes after it ended to be able to do anything. I actually felt like the story was my life and this is the first time I have ever felt this way. I teared up SO MANY times it's actually ridiculous. I really hope there will be a Step 5 in the future because I'm not going to be able to get over this game for a year or more :( I KNOW THIS SOUNDS RIDICULOUS but I actually started contemplating life , and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to find something like this ever again. The sounds track fits the games atmosphere too it gave me a lot of different emotions at once. I'm probably rambling but the positive things I can say about this game are too much. and the soundtrack playing probably influences me too. To the creator and everyone who worked on this , you did such a great job ,  this is exactly what I needed and I hope you keep putting out games <3