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A member registered Nov 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much, with the next updates I hope to fix some translation issues and add the missing mechanics little by little.

Not at the moment, in future updates. For now you can only choose other skills by changing the attribute, other stats by changing the age or choose to change the day to change the field bonus.

Yes, in story mode there will be new locations, longer locations with more NPCs and the possibility of taking an ally of the hotel ;3 y and more. Wait for the new update ;3

Oh well yes for now, later with the story mode or new locations where the characters will appear, clues can be given about their favorite gift

I hope to finish it this end of the month, I am making progress despite lack of budget and errors with the code.

If these are conversations when it is already hosted, from the progress menu you can restart those conversations with that character

I don't have a specific guide but it would be something like this.

  1. You start in a hotel, you are the administrator who has to receive clients and try to convince them.
  2. At the reception you can talk to the new ones and chat to increase the convicement attribute or give them gifts to raise that attribute. (you can buy gifts that increase convicement in the store)
  3. After talking a lot or giving him gifts(increase convicement ) you will see a lodge button which will help you negotiate how much he will pay weekly.

No problem, you can see scenes of Cesar talking in the room 

i already fix that in the last version ;3 thanks

They are promotional codes to obtain objects or some benefits in the store. Like the code "extra code hotJuicyPhoto" to get a hidden photo. In the discrd or on twitter I will upload some from time to time to show extra content. ;3

Well, not at the moment but maybe in the future.

For the moment it will not cause any changes that the character will still think you accepted.

ohh thanks , i fix that later <3

I was checking, I saw that the object was bugged but I already solved it, download the latest version. It's one of those items that is only sold exclusively if you have the Dark Knight hosted .

Just a little help, his third favorite Drigun item is the Taco. I will solve the rest in the next update, and Leonardo's dialogue is not an error, when he is in a double room the other character may mention something (a small mechanic that will be seen more in future updates).

Thanks for your feedback, I have already corrected the errors, you can download the game again.

Tienes que aumentar el parámetro de flirteo  con los artículos de la tienda , regalandolo en la recepcion

There was an error, the image was not displayed but I solved it. Download the latest version again ;3.

Thanks ;3, I will correct those problems

I because i was thinking of putting new additional nsfw scenes in future updates. There it will be more dominant but under another context, place and characters. Now I'm somewhat limited by the place and with new locations it will make everything better 

Thanks I will check it

Well, there are many mechanics yet to be implemented that make cheap gift items the most logical thing and spamming a cheap gift is profitable. With more updates, more variety of characters will be added that assume a more active, passive or both role. Daltes will be added as a character and several more in future updates.

Also, thanks for playing, I will release more characters soon ;3.

Soon ;3 

I will announce the content soon, next week's update will have more characters and the end of the month update will have new mechanics and functions.

Just buy and give him objects that increase the flirt, approximately until he reaches 70 or 80, depending on which character he is.

No problem, I usually do one or two updates monthly, the next update will be in mid-April

<3 awesome style <3

handsome big baras <3

Awesome <3 ,that style looks fantastic and hot strong dinos <3

Buy things from the store that increase confidence so that they want to stay and comfort so that they stay.

There are currently no promotional codes. But I will publish some gift or curious codes soon

Could you tell me what the solution was? Maybe it will help someone who has the same problem.

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Try using WinRar , are you using winzip?

Or maybe try to download again. Otherwise send message in discord to verify.

Hot bara designs <3

try download again or send your error messag

Are you playing on PC? or on cell phone? . If you are playing on PC, try deleting the save located in C:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\LocalLow\HatsSharkFurryMan\INeedARoom.

Any error messages that appear? Try running INeedARoom.exe as administrator

thanks <3

In the next update, a balance was made for obtaining money, improved negotiation and the weekly amount of money more in line with spending. Additionally, some changes will avoid this type of problems and the events will be balanced. With the update it should no longer be frustrating to earn money.Thanks .

(1 edit)

Thank <3. Yes of course, soon.