Hey, so I downloaded 1.3, followed the install instructions and was getting a crash before Main Menu. Downloaded the Debug Mod, and I'm getting this error.
Recent community posts
To check, if the person appears near the bottom of the save file where it lists the name, sex, race, id, etc. does that mean that they're in the globals.slaves area?
Edit: If not then I have no idea where to look. About the only bit of coding I've messed with was some C++ in highschool, editing saves on this, and messing with some config files for other games.
Edit 2: Changed a Halfkin Bunny's race (genealogy with orc 37) to Orc and race_display left on Halfkin Bunny, same exact errors.
So, I took a character, changed the name and id of them, and then was just trying to make them appear as either mixed or hybrid. I was specifically changing the 'race' and 'race_display' to 'Human' and 'Fox' respectively. I also changed higher up (but in the section for the same character) the values in 'genealogy' of human and fox to 76/24 respectively, just changed them to 65/35 and it still didn't work. Character comes up blank.
It seems that if 'race' and 'race_display' aren't the exact same, then the character page blanks itself. If they're the same, but an invalid character type (Halfkin Dragon for example) then it loads fine but clicking on the highlighted name thats invalid forces me to close, which is expected.
EDIT: My error logs show the exact same errors as Fibian (a few posts above mine) except for the 'slave_tab.gd' number (which isn't surprising) so I'm decently sure his problem has to do with this.
So, I've got a question. I'm messing around with a test save and trying to manually add a Hybrid Character just to mess around. Looking at the code in person.gd it looks like if anything other than the same race or Mixed is set as display_race than it should result in a Hybrid character, but when I save the edit and check, the character is entirely broken. What am I doing something wrong?
Obviously a normal player wouldn't come across something like this, just wondering.
No Errors on loading the game with mod installed and that specific file removed, but I cannot see the new player specialties or slave specialty classes, but I can see the traits like 'stutter, lisp, lactating' and I can see the sizes of vagina/ass/balls etc. only once I'm actually in-game, not in the new game menu.
Edit: So somehow, upon doing the exact same thing I've been doing (with the only difference this time being keeping EVERY window open so I can watch all files get replaced and when) the game is working perfectly? I'll update if anything is broken upon further play.
Edit 2: Trying to use an old save that had partially upgraded the farm, the farm store, snails, and vats are inaccessible. Attempting to rush through a new game and unlock them to see if that is the case there.
So uh... Found out how to make the game work. I had to go into "AppData\Roaming\Strive\mods\AricsExpansion\scripts" and REMOVE mainmenu.gd from there. Keep in mind that I have NEVER copied either the folder of 'scripts' or copying the file 'mainmenu.gd' from that exact area, only copying and pasting anything from "IMPORTANT - READ THIS BEFORE INSTALLING". Any idea why this was causing an issue?
No, no errors when the game loads on it's own, nor with "Constants" loaded. I'm at a complete loss for whats causing this. I've redownloaded both strive and your mod, and tried setting it up and its still happening. Also, if I take the vanilla 'mainmenu.gd' and replace the one from your mod, I can load a save or start a new one, but then I get more errors once loaded. Never had this sort of problem with either 6.3.7 or 8.1 of your mod, so no idea why its acting like this now.
So, I literally just took a fresh from zip Strive and copied it to where I want. I put your mod in "\AppData\Roaming\Strive\mods". I then copied the folders of "files" and "import" from "\AricsExpansion\IMPORTANT - READ THIS BEFORE INSTALLING\Put in Strive Game Files" to where the Strive.exe is located, replacing the 60 files it wanted replaced. Note that at this time, there is no backup folder since I've never even started the .exe from that folder. So I start up the game, apply the mod, and only this mod, and exit. Restarting gives me the exact same errors as before.
Got a problem. I've tried on a previous install, and multiple fresh installs. Originally, I uninstalled all mods (which is just this, the 'Constants' and Random Portaits), updated, deleted backup, and loaded up the game. Farm was partially messed up, so I did a fresh install. Fresh Install: I load up pure vanilla and make sure no mods are active. I rename 'backup' to 'backup of original' and drop '.import' and 'files' into the area with the .exe, I load up the game and apply only this mod and restart, upon restarting I get the first error (see image) and when I actually try to do anything except click on the 'Mods' button, the following errors pop up and I must exit the game either by clicking x or going through the mod option and exiting that way.
So, I've noticed a bug during sex. Not sure if its caused by the mod or not though. When one partner is lactating, and the option of suck/fondle breasts is selected, it states that the person DOING the sucking/fondling is the one that enjoys being milked instead of the receiver (who is lactating) being milked.
So, I was mucking about with a mod and somehow my Character Gallery got reset. I'm not sure what happened, but I was up to where I had about half of the characters and now I have none. I've tried going into "gallery.gd" and putting everything that I had before as "true" but it doesn't seem to do anything. If anyone has any knowledge of how to fix this, I'd appreciate it.
So, a new bug is stopping me from playing almost at all. I uninstalled the previous update I had (6.3.7) from the in-game mod menu, deleted it from the mod folder in %appdata, replaced it with 8.1, and installed that via the mod menu in-game. I now get this error every time I load.
And when I go out of the town and travel almost/look for a fight, the text never changes and I can't see what I've encountered, and this error comes up.
And when I try to fight, if the enemy is "Lone Stranger" then I get this error repeating infinitely along with no combat options or even the ability to end my turn.
EDIT: So apparently, the problem with fights only happens around Wimborn. Tested in Frostford and it worked just fine. Might be because I fought so much around Wimborn, I'll test out passing a few days to see if this changes anything.
EDIT 2: Turns out passing 7 days does nothing for changing up the people around the city.
EDIT 3: When I start a new game, everything seems to work correctly. Must be something with the area around Wimborn and the amount of people I've fought there. I recovered by reverting to a save game I had backed up from a few days before the saves I was using, so not a ton of progress lost, but I hope my report helps iron those out.
Whenever I add someone to the Farm and press Next Day, the day advances, but I don't get the actual popup for the end of the day. I still receive gold, food still goes up/down, and the amount of time for people being gone still changes, but no children are born and no quest events happen. There is also a bug where i try to talk to the person in charge of the Farm about running the farm, but nothing happens. For both of these bugs, the CMD in the background does show errors. I can copy/paste them if you'd like.
So you know, trying to use this makes the game unplayable in my case. I uninstall your base mod, install this one, and after hitting "Apply" once, the next time the game loads up, nothing works. I can't start a new game, load a save, or anything really. Going into the mod menu, the menu is empty. I'm happy I backed the entire game up before I tried, otherwise I'm not too sure what would have happened to it. If you could take a look into this and see if you can replicate it and what can be done about it, it might save some trouble for someone else.
A question, how would I edit the looks of the player from an existing save? For example, the mod seems to have given my character a minuscule penis when it was set to large originally. I'd preferable like to use the save I currently have, so help would be appreciated.
EDIT: After playing around for a while in the save, I figured it out.