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A member registered Mar 01, 2024

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What are you working on and how much for you to do upgrades? How much do you want for the go fund me? 

If I did a commission updates, can you do a gulper, medusa, and a deep black dragon fish with the lights, and a flying type like a cormorant Or gannet or pelican girl as a flappy bird cameo or maybe the pelican is a power up and a sea eagle. And a secret goddesszilla that can cook the screen with a breath ray. And maybe gets all sharks to appear when she gets big? 

Go to the go fund me maybe?

The goldfish is money to unlock more things in the future? 

ok I've unlocked her, what does she do, also it's more difficult at 10-40k with the shark buff

It was a game that had the blonde girl with the blue top you had to look after who turned out to be super voracious, it was a point and click with a huge amount of secrets like tell tale games a bit... To the point you press everything on the screen like a shop in the background would lead to another experience. If i could describe it in this game would be a cave in the background of the moving screen as the mermaid swims if you click it it goes to a cameo where she eats echo the dolphin. And goes through the Same game for a while. Or a passing boat or cruise ship you could click on where she could climb aboard and sing to people she could eat. 

It's ok this is about this game which is great so far. Yeah I have the gold mermaid moving I'm not sure what she does it's an unlockable skin? 

then the electric eel tail with a shark should give her a mega mouth like a gulper eel where she devours the screen. So I'm glad you are doing a sequel. Hopefully you manage to put some deep sea moments in with a black screen and much more glowing fish and glowing sharks maybe an angler fish mode or a black dragon fish mode or a comb jelly... Actually a comb jelly may be hard to animate... Im not sure how difficult it would be for you to make a boss shark for her to eat as well? That maybe calls smaller sharks she eats to get bigger until she can eat the boss shark. 

I also think she should be able to sing a song to hypnotize the sharks as a standard mermaid and even in the sequel if it goes that for she could grow legs and feed on beach Gowers turtles coconut crabs snakes etc then she could find a surf board and she could surf and eat anything in her way. While she is on land she would use the song to hypnotize people, perhaps she could go to Komodo island and feed on the dragons If she gets knocked off she swims for a while still able to eat prey before her tail grows back. 

This is how I think of it in terms of old sega m drive games I used to play. 

If I was going to go further I would unlock a prehistoric mode with mosasaur lioplurodons etc she could eat and power up into. By the end there should be selectable versions like you have 




Island legs 





Maybe a jelly mode 

You could have secret chars like a medusa that freezes anything looking at her a Cerberus with three upper bodies one tail. A hydra with multiple tails that grow mouths on so she can't be eaten from behind, a kraken with tentacles and a jet also cannot be bum rushed. A harpy that dives like a pelican but can glide also. And an orca that grows super fast when she eats sharks. These are my ideas for now. I hope you keep working on this game thanks for making it 

yeah ah such a wasted effort, because of your old games I thought there was a secret route, turns out to be a demo file. Was genuinely trying to jump and dive that 😂 are there alot of secrets in this game? On your old ones I found maybe 30 or 40 per game

on the phone game the large shark at the intro is being a menace because it homes on to you twice at a small size 

ever thought of giving her a special move if she eats a shark with a fire tail, like a flamethrower screen wipe then an inhale so she sucks them all in, or like a sea mine explosion 

318258 is my phone score, I have a few requests, more shark types, maybe a manta power up that lets her flap for speed or glide, some sort of sea bird or boat she could eat, and.. something to do before you reach 1200, that shark cuts alot of runs early and keeps you in the introduction area for alot of runs so either edit the 1000- 1200 shark or put something to do before I found myself multitasking the CPU and phone version waiting for a good run past that shark. Really want to see different prey and possibly different mermaid types, if there was like a gulper or a mega mouth type that allowed you to swallow sharks bigger than you incase your behind on the first growth curve. Or if there was a manta power up that let you eat them from above .. 

(1 edit)

hey just downloaded your game if you want an extra bit of money to develop anything let me know god the game is addictive!!! can you prehaps make different playable species of mermaids more fish and bosses maybe ?