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A member registered Oct 01, 2022

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Hey there! I played your game and I think you're doing a great job so far! I was very impressed with the art currently in the game!
I am personally a huge fan of oral vore and the likes. I love to see mouth play and tongue movement, as well as slurping and expressions. The emphasis on the gulping and lip licking are also awesome to me. Both internal and external views from the giantess's maw would be incredible!
Good luck on the future updates! And congrats on the launch!

Hehe sorry. It's just like "family" or "friend" or something like that. I was saying "Thank you, friend." >///<

...that's cool. Thanks Fam. :3

Never thought the shyest character would be one of my most favorite vore-wise. XD Very wholesome (and lewd~) chapter! <3

So far I've played it and it's REALLY good!! Very lewd scenes and I love the mouthplay to death. >w<

Congrats on getting me excited without actually having the game available. >_<
Still though, it all looks great so far!

Question: when I purchase the game on Itchio now, will I be able to acccess future updates without having to purchase it again?