Hey there, HughoftheSkies!! Firstly, I want to tell you how much I love "World Eater!" I have always loved giantess and oral vore my whole life, and I am a total sucker for tower defense games. I love the games where you can upgrade your units and allies. ^w^
I am very impressed by how much content this game has to offer! From a cute and sexy cast of characters, to the gameplay and mechanics! I won't lie, the system of leveling up allies confused me. I wasn't sure how to level them up, but the sorting mechanic was a very useful tool. (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
It's a shame I couldn't see the process of you developing this game. I would have loved to provide ideas and concepts for the game. One of the only critiques I have is when you are in battle, all of your allies move to the left of the screen.
Because of this, it's rather difficult to see what enemies appear. ( ;´ - `;) Maybe there can be a mechanic where you can move allies as you do enemies, or maybe they can return to a specific point on the battlefield while they digest their foes. >:3
But my very favorite character, mechanic, and part of the story is Solphie herself! She's so cute and silly. I LOVE her dialogue! (♡﹃♡) Large girls swallowing enemies are so hot! I nearly lost my mind when I learned you'd be eaten eventually AND be able to feed demon allies to her. >:3 I just wish I could digest in her guts with everyone else~ ♡(,,>﹏<,,)♡♡
Anyways, I want to wrap this up by saying I've been a HUGE fan of your work for a while. I'm so happy you love oral vore as much as me!
And I hope I can get an Oc into your game some day!!