Those are some brutal runs! That’s to be expected—- I set out to make a game harder than Abyss. The braineaters don’t give any XP, that was something I noticed while playtesting and kept it in because it fits my idea of them being pesky little creatures.
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Hi Dragon249, good question! I see that the wording of the level up text is kinda vague. When I wrote it, my intention was that you’d heal whenever you level up.
But, you could say that gaining HP when your maximum increases (when you advance to a higher level) is normal mode and gaining HP only from potions, social 1, and weird 6 is hard mode.
Hey chezmarie! That’s a great question. There are Facebook groups dedicated to solo RPGs, like this one and this one, where people have shared some awesome games and sites. This website in particular has some stuff you’d enjoy.
I’m so glad you enjoyed the community copy! I’d so appreciate it if you’d share my game with others— it really helps out :)
My intention was just one deck. Test should be rare, only a few per game session. I’d say 3-5 players is a good size.
When you attack on your turn, you draw up to your attribute, and that’s it. You can’t play as many as you want , but other players can combo off your card and play matching suits/ranks from their hand, like in crazy eights.
Good questions! There is no correct way to play, but I will be tweaking this as I go to make it clearer. Thank you!