A member registered Feb 28, 2023 · View creator page →
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here's a american steam locomotive The Union Pacific 4-4-0 that also should be implemented into the game
it was a famous steam train that went from sacramento california halfway across the united states in 1869 and 1870. it reached a top speed of 72km/h. the cowcatcher was known on the front of the train that was used to move animals off the tracks and clear debry.true facts.not only did it carry passengers and cargo, but it carried mail, guns and ammunition to support the civil war troops on the battlefields.
another famous train known all too well in australia that travels from between Brisbane, Bundaberg and travels a maximium speed of 160km/h.
just like a few changes to some international trains like the class A4 mallard liner british passenger train from 1939, or the flying scotsman, a famous class A passenger steam train known in the united kingdom for going from london to edinbourgh in 1922 at a top speed of 100KM and arriving in under 6 hours, or maybe the french high speed passenger train from the mid 1950s the CC 7121 that reached an incredible high speed of 243KM in 1954.
CC 7121 electric passenger train
I hope the developer will add some new steam locomotives like the flying scotsman or the LNER Class A4 4468 Mallard british steam locomotive, maybe even some american steam locomotives aswell and maybe a station platform gaurdsmen and signaller at each station just to make it more realstic because it is a train simulation game.
heres a suggestion for the developer m-iden you should include a feature that when you arrive at a station an announcement comes over the speaker for train your operating. and you see AIS walking on the platform towards your train and if you have a certain amount of points you can spend them on crew for your train such as: a platform porter, tickets master, station gaurd and operator, train signaler and gaurdsmen which blows a whistle to let people know their departing. maybe even a viewable cab where you can see a train driver in the seat or if its for the steam locomotive you can see a firemen or a stroker puting in gaurds on each platform and maybe in your train. thats an idea you should add to the game in the next update.
that's right the first steam locomotive of the 20th century that broke the 100KM speed barrier one of the fastest trains of the early 1920s, one of England's oldest lasting steam train. the train to this day still runs but you have to pay tickets if you want to ride aboard, the trip is quite short but the scenery is worth it.
steam locomotives are a part of historical engineering of the late 1880s- the 1960s and shows advancement in technology and successes of the late 20th century. it fascinates me to even see a steam locomotive in this game, at first I thought it was similar to some American engines, but clearly I noticed that the engine in the game doesn't have a cow catcher on the front of the buffers and the smoke stack is a lot smaller compared to any American steam locomotives.
here are some photographs of international trains that should be included in the game:
1. liner class A3, engine 4472, flying Scotsman
the flying Scotsman became the worlds fastest train in the world breaking the 100KM speed barrier of the late 1920s.
2.southern railway steam engine 4501 is the longest living American steam locomotive that was heavier and powerful to handle long trips from Washington D.C. - Atlanta Georgia during the 1920s.the design made it so the engine had: 211.45 kN of tractive, which allowed the engine to pull fourteen passenger cars at a speed of 80mph
3.electrifed levitating rail system.
the first maglev engine began being constructed in 2001 by the shanghai transrapid network. The top operational speed of this train is 431km/h (268mph).

the developer should include regional and international maps,cities and countries that can be unlocked when completing missions. he should also add different steam locomotives, and passenger trains like the XPT intercity translink train that runs from sydney to brisbane or the flying scotsman a british steam locomotive from post WW1.the developer should include mulitplayer maps where you can play with other players online and include roles and jobs that you can choose like becoming a guard or a station porter. include speed signs and limits so when you enter a certain area of track or come close to a station you have to reduce your speed, a message will appear on the players screen flashing red saying:" WARNING,DECREASE SPEED AND SLOW DOWN, APPROCAHING STATION" and if the player fails to slow down the trains system brakes will be applied automatically ( you can adjust if you want to activate the speed limit signals in settings as its optional ). loudspeakers at each station with a message of the next train arriving at the station and platform is due to stop at. if the developer could add the following that just may increase the game overall.
and the developer should international maps based from other countries along with regional trains to give diversity to the game.the developer should also include in the game public servers with a other players and chat included on the side.also include in the game if you accelate over a certain speed in an area like in the ocean map speed signs on the side with an alert warning that pops up on your screen when you pass a section of track to show the speed limit in the area and if you pass the speed limit points will be deducted from you and a train the transit police authority will appear approximately 1.4KM behind you with sirens and flashers on and if the train proceeds to evade the transit police speed strips will be placed on the track and your train will gradually decrease speed.
like I have described this before why does the game have to be based specifically around the russian/soviet post war union why can't the developer add international maps to the game giving a variety of will bring more people to play the game. I have a future idea for VO.795 if the developer M_iden could add because if he has a steam locomotive that can reach up to speeds of 170KM ( if the electric locomotive is equiped to the engine ) then why not add an electrified levitation system to electric trains that is powered by the electrified rail system. cause in reality a steam train can't reach up to speeds of 130KM since the boiler would'nt be able to take that kind of preasure and heat and is considered nearly impossible.but they did have a earlier model steam locomotive in the early 1920s in great britian known as the flying scotsman.fastest train in england to reach the 100km speed barrier. if you can add a russian train from WW2 into electr
allow me to simply it to make it easier for your IQ to handle:
in the next future version update VO 795 I want you to add a electrified maganetic rail system.
how it works ( simplified form ) is when the player clicks on a electric shunting locomotive and begins to drive it onto main track the electrified magnetic rail system a more futuristic track sends an electric bolt to the shunting locomotives main powerbox ( and since the locomotive is electrified) the wheels begin to fold underneath the engine transforming the train and causing the mechenism to change making the train levitate but stay connected to the track by the electric bolt which makes it stay connected to the track but remain hovering in motion. only electric locomotives can cross this track not diesal.
I could give you my opinion and idea for the future version: V795 which you should put in an magnetized electrified rail system in the new map making it so that only electric trains can travel over the track and that deiseal locomotives remain the same. the idea is, if a train hits the electrified magnetic track the electric bolt is sent under the train through to its main power box which changes its system and the wheels begin to fold underneath the train causing it to be suspended in the air but still connected to the tracks by a electrified bolt that forces the train to remain connected to the track. There should be a button the players screen that shows a symbol of a train hovering over a track that lights up blue when the train is levitating. when the train arrives at a station the wheels automatically fold back into place as the train begins to once again connect back to the track and levelled with the ground allowing the passengers to board. when the player closes the doors the trains wheels begin to fold underneath it and the train levitates departing the station.
he should also add underground metro system for the city map in the next update. also include cars in the map which are either located in the station parking lot,or parked on the side of the road which are driveable. cars from the 1950s-1990s ( as that is the theme in the game ). also include police cars, and railroad police in the game, either highway patrol, metropolitian police for the city map, railroad poice that catches anyone accelarating over the speed limit in the area. have the railroad police idle on the side of the tracks sitting there waiting for any train which passes by.include on the railroad police engines sirens and flashers on the top of the engine,spike strip which you can spawn in if your 1.4KM ahead of the speeding target.include a megaphone which you can speak into via your sound or speaker input. include railroad speed signs so that if you go over the speed in the area a red notification alert will appear on your screen and the railroad police engine will appear on the map after the notification is sent.
the developer should also include internal 3d and interior view which you can see the inside of the train carriages and the engine itself when you view the train from the outside of it. you should also include moving npcs that walk around the platform at each station also make a sequence where you can walk around the inside of your train or on the platform in 3d either in first person, or when your in third person camera angle. also add a conductor to each passenger train that boards your train at the first station you approach and enters the carriages.add sound effects with the conductor like him yelling all aboard when outside the train or going around to each carriage saying tickets please. Also include train engineers for the steam locomotive with animations seen moving the coal and for the passenger trains add a driver to the cab.
the developer should include a 3d view of the inside of the carriages and also a sequence where you can edit the character your playing as and change up his clothing. also add station porters a central station where all the trains terminate at,ticket booths where you can add or create and change the price of the ticket depending on the length of the trip.
I also want the developers to create a city based 3d map with underground metropolitian railway lines. include worldwide global cities and each state that is located within it.if you could add vehicles ( classic and modern ) where you can drive around that are either parked at the station or are found parked on the side of the should also include where if you pass a red signal or boundary your points should be dedutcted in a fine you have to pay off at the station. add a ticket booth at each station where you can create ticket prices and the destination on the ticket stamp.add a terminal central station where all trains terminate which is either in the city or the end of line.add sound effects with overhead speakers and people moving on the should also include a flagsman at each station who waves his flag ( either red or green depending on if the track is clear ) add underground subway systems with staircases where you can walk around as a train engineer or a platform conductor. add station police at the stations and also on the road seen driving at high speed if you accelate or break a rule within the should also be able to choose which teams to be on. either the roadside police,station gaurd,conductor,train engineer,track workers,signal box men,station porters or just a passenger. you should be able to walk around on the train ( either in the carriages or in the drivers cabin ) with interior 3d camera views that shows the number of passengers you pick up at each station and the seats grow full. there should be an icon that shows how many passengers you pick up at each station. please do consider including this.
I don't think his going to read your reply but I do agree with making it an source because I tried to open the new update VO.66 but it says that this app is not verified so the developer need to work on that and he needs to make it so the lights on the train your driving can be turned on by pressing or clicking a button on your screen that enables a light because you can't see shit Infront of you when its dark until your carriages are on the edge of the rails so please consider adding lights to your train.
also I recommend you to add more trains including steam locomotives like the one below " the flying Scotsman" also add actual npc's walking around on the platform instead of plastered or glued on. you should also add train conductor npc's flagmen at the stations who signal the driver when to go, an inside 3d view of the drivers cabin with working buttons and levers. also add a 3d perspective of the inside of the train carriages and a conductor who yells " all aboard" to the passengers. also add 3d view of people walking about on the platform and going in/ outside of the carriages. add actual visible see- through windows where you can see the passengers in your carriages at night/ day and add engineers for the deiseal/ steam locomotives. one more thing to add is the city map with visible roads, highways and skyscrapers in the distance.
Electric Trains v0.766 is available to play comments · Posted in Electric Trains v0.766 is available to play comments
the developer should add international trains like the bullet engine, the flying scotsman, the new york city subway car with underground tunnels in the map and 3d camera angles of the inside of the tunnel. station porters train conductors train crew luggage carts old fashioned signal boxes roads. a city map railroad crossings with cars driving over it. real AI people moving on the platform not figurines that are plastered to the platform.