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A member registered Feb 09, 2022

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other devs have been saying about them changing/cutting stuff and its not right for them to do it. i have enjoyed ur game and i purchesed it once and was happy i did on here. i dont understand y they have been doing this recently.

i enjoy it taht i can play on my phone and not have to be at my computer to play the game.

wondering how the stats points work in the game if theres a way can see them for if they are on the mc or are they for the girls

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Love this game. Every time there's an update it's awesome and never disappointed by them. And they are often updated. Can't wait for the next update

it's fine I don't mind going threw the game again. Just thought would be good to let u know. It could also have to do with my phone also im using a Samsung s20 fully updated as far as I know also..

Im very happy i enjoy this game alot. I'm playing it on Android and the new update was not compatible with the old one so I had to uninstall the one had on phone and then reinstall the new one. I played this game 2 times without skipping any of it and there's not alot of them that I don't seem to skip or fast click without reading it all again. This one and mnf and mnm are also ones I have played without skipping. This is a very good and enjoyable game

thank u will do that and it was very nice of u to respond and complete a fix around. I would never blame the makers of a game for compatibility problems for a new update or remastering when it's just come out to many products to have an issue with.

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when I tried the book 2 it then said even if loaded the latest save that did not know me and needed to play book 1. Same if I just pressed start game. My phone is up to date and I'm using a Samsung phone if that helps u any. Liked the first book and can't wait to play the 2nd one. At least now know about the problem.

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.So i completed the first one then updated to the 2nd book and it did not do anything but allow me to load the old saves or to start new game from beginning. Im olaying on my phone. I have uninstalled and reinstall the frist one with the remastered then gone back to the last save thays after the end chapter 11 thing before last scene and then completed last scene andd then installed boook 2 and it asks to updat but then had same problem. Just now looked at the info game but it still says v.11 so for some reason its not updating the game for me. Said that app not installed cause the packed appares to be invalid. Had to install book 2 on its own and uninstall book 1 for it to work

Well if u dont believe his updates and what he has on this page then y even play the game or comment about the game? U are stating the game is dead but u are only saying what u think and not even bothered to look into his other one he is making witch im certen was started way before this one was. I have never made one of these games or even a novel and even the computer games takes years and years to make and thoes can have no updates or even known they are worked on.

He gives a weekly update in his other game about both games and he says before the discord link that he does it so people dont get spamed with him posting the same update. Both of his stories are awesome i think and i very much enjoy them and cant wait till the next part comes out. Yes its been a while for here but i think when u are trying to do 2 good games at the same time it's very hard. These are one of the few I can replay and not get bored and skip threw them for other parts and both I feel like I'm there and touch my heart cause they draw me into them.

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It first said i have to high willpower to view im not -45. Then I click and get the error page and then it shows the camera and milly is on the bear. Then it goes to a phone call while in bed from milly 

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I dont remember if its the same one but with the camera looked in daughter's room while in the bed think and then got an error of missing page where u can ignore or rollback it skipped past to the helicopter ride. Im playing on my phone not sure if i have the spot saved when it happened but if i did not check the camera it let me go threw the missed time. I just found the save and and took 2 screen shots of the errors and it happened right after 'U kissed Astrid goodnight and headed to ur room' text with no picture and  u were wearing the green-white striped shirt.