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Shigeru Miyamoto 2

A member registered Oct 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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Great game! I particularly liked the way you created the environment for the different dreams, especially the more nightmarish version. There are a few moments that are a little too long for my taste, such as the forest dream, with its references to Zelda ocarina of Time, but otherwise I really enjoyed the game as a whole. Can't wait for a sequel!

Overall, you're right, but the game is still fun to play in these conditions. On the other hand, I agree with you about the dream of the forest: I found it far too long and totally devoid of explanation. However, the game is still great

This game is really cool! I hope you keep making great video games like this !

I just finished the game, and it was incredible! I didn't expect the ending at all, nice surprise! I've played most of your games, really cool ! (at first I was even surprised that they were free).

Very good horror game !

how weird game

this is the best game 

100/100 very beautiful game

cool man

yeah, good memories



man this is the game of all time,

i do speedrun

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the color of this game are fantastic

i love horror game with clown, so thanks you !

very cool game

Happy birthday !

I remember exactly when I played this game, because it was my very first horror game. I had played it when I was 14, and knew nothing about horror games. I was wandering around on reddit, probably on a page dedicated to retro video games, my passion at the time, and still today, and I don't know exactly how I did it, but somehow I came across the page for The Last Door on the Left. I think I'd clicked on a link someone had posted, leading here. I then downloaded the game, not at all expecting what was about to happen. Even though the game isn't terrifying, I discovered at that moment another dimension of video games, I'd never played one before, and I was transported into another world. Once I'd finished the game, I rushed to find other similar games, on then, and began the tireless search for new independent horror games like this one. Now I continue to download new games again and again, discovering new things all the time. This quest, gradually becoming a real objective in my life, may well have steered me towards the profession of video game developer, and it's thanks to this game that today I'm planning to study in this field, and later work in retail.Thank you, TheComicFae, for your creation that started me on this path. I am 18 years old when I write these lines, only four years have passed since, but I learned so much that it seems far, far away.


Shrek is god

the concept is good

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but now the game ask me to do it 437 times


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The sheep is so cute !!!

the best game of world man

post more Slendytubbies please i love the concept

cool game

black shrek is ok


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With the donkey head alive and others weirds things

Maybye, Shrek is a bit weird

Yo I have the same problem but I see we are the only with this bug

so I don't know how to fix sorry