i figured that is what was happening. I can use the desticker to get out from behind a toilet i think, it only happens near the one by the boys dorm, but the issue with the prostitute events also turns off all other events, so i can't leave that map and have to use the dorm teleport and burn time. Makes me super nervous to accept jobs. Till i finish studying and any assignments so that all i have to do is earn money and wasted time bothers me less. Wonder if a 'wait' command for a 30-60 frames would resolve it, if it's too many things firing at once.
There is another one i've found where using the dorm teleport if you are in a dungeon (i got knocked off the map by the nekomata knockback and couldn't even de-sticker move) it leaves combat skills/hp/mp overlaid and you can't access your skills list or anything, and text is partially covered when talking to people.
Been really enjoying the game though! Is there any current events in the mens bathroom? The message when using the bathroom and clicking on the urinals makes me feel like something is planned with it, but i haven't found anything yet.