Technically speaking, she is! She just has very few interactions with Ashley, in keeping with the original game's plot. Unfortunately, this doesn't leave much opportunity to kindle the flame. Ashley will have to settle for "the spy who saved me".
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Hey Gavin! Sorry for the slow reply, I was on vacation. Also sorry you're having trouble getting the Windows version to work, but we'll figure it out! Some questions:
1) Have you tried the download from the main Windows link and the mirror? Do the packages behave the same?
2) What version of Windows are you running? Do you have any particular anti-virus programs installed that might block the .exe?
3) I'm not aware of needing anything like updated DirectX to make the Windows version run, but it might be worth checking that all your drivers are up to date.
Thrilled to hear you had a good time and it prompted you to try out the actual games! Having re4 otome be a gateway drug into resident evil seems kind of wild to me but I'm not gonna complain lol. Now you can play the actual RE4 with your awareness of Ashley's perspective gnawing away at your conscience as she sits in a dumpster! You monster!
Be sure to leave a rating when you get a chance!
Honestly, I'd love to and have tinkered with it! But last time I checked (admittedly, a while ago now), the documentation for the engine on porting to Android was not helpful and I'm not sure I have the coding knowledge to restructure the game to be Android-friendly (since apps need to be relatively small packages). fwiw you can technically play on your phone/tablet by choosing the browser version from your mobile device (or accessing it directly from our website linked above).
Hey there! Sorry for your crash, although we're glad it's just because you're having so much fun lol.
There are so many assets in the game that doing chapter preloading and playing for a long time can basically cause a memory overflow. I've yet to figure out how to make the engine purge memory mid-game to solve this problem, but if you restart with episode preloading (use Episode Select as needed), then you should be able to continue. There is also a way to manually purge the memory - I can link you to it on our discord if you hop over there.
We're so sorry to hear that happened to you! No, that is definitely not intentional (even if it is funny lol). Have you tried booting the game fresh and using Episode Select to jump back to that scene and trying again? That often resolves a lot of issues. Otherwise, we'll need to investigate, in which case I need to know:
1) What version you're playing (Windows or Browser, and if the latter, which one)
2) Whether you're playing the latest version 1.04.3 (visible in the top-left corner of the first screen)
3) What preloading option you used (Chapter or Episode) and how many continuous episodes you played when the crash happened (approximations are fine)
That would help me narrow the potential issue. We want you to get the happy ending you deserve!
if an appreciative billionaire wants to skyrocket us into a new tax bracket, we certainly won't say no lol. but in lieu of that, we're happy that it's giving you and your friends such a good time together. enjoy it because nobody's probably be crazy enough to go through this trouble again.
(be sure to leave a rating!)
We really appreciate you taking the time to leave your feedback and review! I haven't done the best job of promoting the game if people are only discovering it via random image searches lol, but I'm glad for your happy accident! It took four years to really put the game together, but knowing it kept you on your toes makes the struggle worthwhile. I'll check out your review when I have some time, but thanks for pushing more people to play it! Be sure to leave a rating if you have a minute!
Thank you so much for the kind words! We're really happy to know you're having a great time! Glad you enjoyed our little shout-out to RE4 VR lol. Pace out your funny bone, because you're only around Episode 10 of 42 and I dare say it gets better as it goes. We didn't spend four years on this game not to throw in some surprises! ;)
Since user 774 was kind enough to leave this review, and itch weirdly does not display reviews, I'm posting it on their behalf. Appreciate your kind feedback, 774!
Note: fast and loose review, I apologize for any grammatical/spelling errors! This game is insane. It truly takes the cake out of the various fangames I've played as a product of labor and love.
It is basically a play-by-play of the original game from Ashley's perspective which is simultaneously trying to explain all the "videogame-isms" of the plot, witticisms every textbox, sympathy for Ashley's position and an actual look at her inner character (since the game itself never let you see much of her internal voice), references galore (resident evil and videogames in general), and of course major thirsting. There's a joke almost every line, to the point that for every 1 that doesn't land 5 more do. In terms of branching content, there is enough to justify 2 full-ish playthroughs (second one can skip to the first branching point). The convenient episode select system allows you to skip to Luis' and the solo endings quite easily so I would recommend playing Leon's route first.
I still can't quite believe the level of work it would have taken to make the game feel practically like you're playing the original game. It's clear it would only have been possible with the engine chosen - the amount of video/gif backgrounds, audio files, models extracted, rigged, edited, and photoshopped is overwhelming. There is also plenty of original art assets made for the game as well. Unfortunately this does mean that the game occasionally chugs a little attempting to load such large assets, but as long as you're patient and don't try to click too fast through it, it's not a major issue. The UI can also be a little clunky, but it doesn't ruin the experience.
Favorite moments: Meeting Leon and his barrel blast addiction; Ashley's "meditations" and dreams; meeting Luis and Ashley's "Violent Reaction"; all of Ashley's alter egos but special shout outs to Trashley, Slashley, and Smashley; Ashley Graham Ace Attorney, Ashley trying to mind manipulate Leon to let her do something to him (I laughed for like 10 minutes over it), everytime heavy metal played in the background, Saddleon, and various moments in the last few episodes I do not want to spoil because they are utterly glorious. TL;DR: 100% worth playing. Obviously, you'll get a lot more out of it if you've played the original Re4 (or at least know the plot) or resident evil games in general; but I think this game would be fun for pretty much anyone who enjoys videogames or otome games. It's that good.
hey spudomie! thanks for stopping by with those very kind words! we're flattered to know the game still holds up once you've got some resident evil games under your belt lol. glad to also know that you managed to get the bonus scenes, 'cause i still worry that i made the puzzle too obtuse. now, of course, i feel bad that i never finished that extended ace attorney bonus scene lol (i got about 50% done and then moved on to other things) - maybe i'll slip that into another update when the remake comes out.
we're also excited to see how the remake updates ashley's character - and really, the only direction to go is up - but it makes us secretly happy to know you'll be critiquing capcom's rendition against our own. ;)
<3 trashley/cashley. did you happen to take the other path to see the other alter egos?
be sure to leave an itch review if you have a minute! (the game page was redone earlier in the year, so any prior reviews were reset). thanks again for playing and supporting otome edition! as ashley would say, "dios bless". :)
Your happiness is our happiness, bestie lol. Glad to know you were able to be mind-blown in the company of friends. Thank you for the kind words and well wishes (we're trying to enjoy life, but it's tough!), and for giving ashley a chance to be loved! Be sure to leave a review if you get a chance - and have a little gift, for posterity. :)
Hey! Thank you for playing the game and the kind words! We're thrilled to know you're enjoying it! :)
About the unlocks, don't worry! If anything, it sounds like I need to go back and make that a little clearer lol. No, the unlock is immediate and you don't need to continue playing. But when it says something like "3 unlocks", that means there are three separate conditions to meet to unlock the full picture. The flashing pictures are supposed to give a vague clue about which episodes the unlocks happen in, but I'll add a little color:
#5: There are two items you can fill the hole with, or avoid filling it at all.
#6: The first two are just choices to let Leon "handle things"; for the third, what happens if you just let Leon attack things like he loves to do? :D
#7: The "gifts" are the three gondola items that Leon offers. The bass is obvious, but what if you have one of those other items when facing the regenerator or Saddleon?
#8: This one's really just about that split path in the woods. You can basically jump to the different versions of episodes 13/14 and 25/26 to unlock whatever you're missing here.
#9: In the 9th episode of each chapter, there's always pain if you're looking closely for it (there's something to click on a specific background image, usually only for 1-2 frames; sometimes flashing). ;)
Let me know if that helps you finish!
Thank you so much for the kind words! We appreciate you giving our rendition of Ashley a chance to be loved. :) Now we can all enjoy knowing that Ashley is having a rich inner life while we're stupidly breaking barrels lol. Be sure to leave a rating and tell your friends! (assuming they won't look at you funny)