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A member registered Jan 14, 2017 · View creator page →

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Odd, thanks for letting me know 

First time every attempting some type of leaderboard, so i'm not surprised it's the suspect

I love this. The ascetic is great. Not just for the retro feel, but because of the low res it gives you this feeling of "Did I just see something? No I didn't..."

The pacing is great too. gives you a few guys to worry about and quickly just ramps up and up

Rocket Jumping + Goose game. Love it. 

Big fan of platformers with a puzzle element.

Rocket Jumping + Goose game. Love it. 

Big fan of platformers with a puzzle element.

That's actually very helpful, that's not at all where I thought the crash was, I really appreciate it

Hey thanks! I think I know what's happening. 

Yeah I tried to find the best compromise between the look and not disorienting. Appreciate the feedback though

It gives me something look for at least, thanks for the feedback though! Second attempt at a game jam so I'm still learning 🤷

Ah damn, when did it crash on you? I'll take a look at it tonight to fix it. Thanks though! 

(1 edit)

I love this aesthetic