Thank you!! 🙏
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Huh, that's a new one. Thanksnfor bringing this to my attention.
This is what I managed to scour from the websites:
"It is more likely that your NWJS is too new, than too old. Rpgmaker MV hasn't been updated in quite a while.
It is indeed possible to have a too new version of NWJS. I had this happen when I downloaded a game made by someone else, and they been working in a verer version of NWJS then I did. However, I only got a popup, but could still play the game.
You could try uninstalling NWJS and then try again. RPG maker should automatically re-install the right version of NWJS the next time you test your game. (When you reinstalled RPG maker, NWJS was untouched. That did not get uninstalled and reinstalled too, because it isn't part of the RPG maker installment.)"
Wow, thank you for trying out Edypos.
First of all, this is a demo and the "Chapter 7" timeskip was more of a proof of concept for players to try out and get a feel on all of the 5 Waifs. So I understand that dropping you in the middle of nowhere without context is a bit jarring. The actual game will be in a more chronological order.
For the animation, this has been a major criticism and I've been looking to fix them, save for some in order to better streamline combat.
I suppose there's too much delay inbetween as well.
Production should resume somewhere in mid Jan next year and I hope development will be speedy enough.
Thanks for playing Edypos, and I hope you've enjoyed it in spite of the things that rustled your jimmies. 🙏🙏
Thanks for trying out the game!
I do have a discord for the game, here you go: