nice, looking forward to the update so I can continue grinding to upgrade my skill-tree :)
Shinigami Tracer
Recent community posts
Was NOT expecting the match with Griss to end that way... holy shit dude!!!
I mean I know I still need to grind on the "hanging out" with the girls I presently can in order to unlock their other stuff in the profiles. And have been grinding on the jobs, think I recently started the third tier jobs for "Infirmary".
Will admit I've kinda cheated to gain income though... Casino -5k bets on a save, if you lose, reload and try again. Also works great in some other games in order to make some quick cash.
So far the only real glitch I've come across is when you try to "hang out" with Silvie at the Inn, gets a renpy glitch on the first, if you "ignore" it pops up a new one after you select a drink. If you had a page on F95 I'd post there too along with the BBCode(s) it pops up to help you further improve the gameplay. Basically it seems like the whole "Silvie Hang out Night" event is presently messed up, perhaps that is just for me however.