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A member registered Dec 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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No, no such user in ban list.

You are not in ban list. Try to use different discord link if itch one is not working. We have one on Boosty and one on AOTK.

Shoot all minions

What is your discord nickname? I'll check if you are in the ban list

Thank you.
Go to the general shop below the court

In 2 month we are planning to post fist beta

You need to finish quest which starts at Konna's village near headman's home

Just forgot to remove that parts which I decided not to implement. Glad you like the game!

No, I'm not going to fix that.

I'm not native speaker so mistakes were made and RPGM engine is sucks for proper localization. Sorry if you found it frustrating, but to fix that I need to spend too much time for my taste. Next game will use new engine when I already made proper localization so my native speaker frieds will help me with proper grammar and spelling.

This quest will not be implemented, sorry.

Thanks :) We will add more kinks to the future games

You can hold enter to speed up spanking.
Some people have issue with fishing because monitor refresh rate is too high. Every game tick is what your monitor refreshed. Game works with 60 in mind. But some modern monitors have 75. Try to lower refresh rate then fishing will be easier. It's engine stuff, I cannot change it.

Sorry, I'm not going to change anything else now, development of this game is finished. Hope you will still like it.


Glad you enjoyed the game!
Yes, this two quests will remain unfinished.
I'll try to add more severe punishments in the next game :)

Key to the mansion inside headman's house.
Jump from the hill to get inside

(1 edit)

Just copy whole save folder from old installation and paste with replace to new one.

Glad that you like our game! :)



By pressing Z button. I would suggest to play intro of the game. All basic stuff like shooting and dodging explained there.

Hi! Glad you like the game!
Sorry but game is already complete, public version will be available August 12.
For goblin - just stand right in front of the barricade to shoot through it. You cannot hit goblin leader but can shoot all the minions.

There is. You must find her note in the brothel first.

Thank you, I'll check what is wrong


Next update will be 0.3.3 for VIP supporters.
After that update 1.0 will be released public

Hi! Thank you for a kind words, really glad that you like the game!
Bad news - we are 2 updates away from finishing the game so no more poses, implements and panties for this one.
Good news - we will start new game using new engine with HD arts and more realistic character models. Juin our discord to know all the latest news :)

Hire Inverstigator. She will teach you how to pick locks

1 - Thank you, I'll fix it
2 - This is intentional. That is why you have button to give up
3 - All general scenes are generalized and I was not build it with intention of not wearing panties from the start and now it's tricky to fix. Hope you can live with pressing one additional button :)

Sorry, never heard of this issue before :(

1 - it's a secret. You can ask in discord or find the answer yourself :)
2 - you need sidearms. You can buy it in weapon store
3 - you can hear the direction from which she is going.

Check our discord server. It's easier and faster to get answers including video how to solve puzzle there.

Check volkano

To collect more brattiness steal panties.

Goldfish is a bit tricky. You need to find special bait in north village, then you need to find place where this bait works 

Just sign edicts in your office

Hi! Glad you like it!

-How to meet the mayour?
You need to find a quest in Konna's village. Somewhere near Nora's house.

I need to mention somewhere that in the game folder there is FaQ file :)

Next update will be in the middle of April, but several next updates will be for boosty supporters only. Join our discord to hear the latest news and get fast reply to your questions :)

-FaQ file exist in game folder.

-Do what quest says

-At weekend or if you get a vacation you can leave the city and get back to village

You can't.  Magic lock means 'Not in the game at least yet'

1 - When you get caught she tells you why she is so mad. If she not mad, the outcome will be different
2 - You need sidearms
3 - Buy it.

You can't hit readhead goblin, but you can hit the minions. It's definitely possible to win this fight.

That you for your kind words, glad you like the game :)
This bug is already fixed in the future builds. For now don't leave the bar when Tiati is in corner. Public version 0.3 with fixes and a lot of new content going to be out at the end of march

I'm not sure. I never used joiplay, but one of my players uses some kind of emulator. You can join our discord and ask for help.