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Shiro kuro

A member registered Nov 15, 2021

Recent community posts

I'm pretty unusual in just 4 days developing 14 people you guys are so talented hope you guys will continue to update the game and the game will be downloadable for cross platform i'm a phone person so hopefully someday when i'm out i can open my phone and Just play and enjoy this gam

New update: after trying I made it to week two (even though I died on Thursday) after playing many times i found that when in week 2 all the leftover potions from week 1 are gone, maybe you updated the game (i'm not sure) and maybe it's a new bug please solve answer my question

I agree with you on this as there is no save file so our choice must always be thoughtful this is what makes this game interesting to me.

Thanks again for listening to my opinion and you guessed it Hint: I live in a country closer to China than you think ;) as for the game part i still like it even though it has no shape anyway my question is a bit too much the game just developed not long ago but i would like to ask some small questions 

1. when you talk about difficulty editing, is there a part in the game that shows the types of effects and their effects? 

2. can you tell me about the update schedule and current progress 

3. Do you have any new ideas to add to the game?

 Those are some of my questions for you to answer with or without (for all that is rather delicate sorry for my curiosity), I will keep playing and when I have free time I will. draw your character i don't know if might be working (because when i finish drawing i want to show you ;) wish you can finish this game project although it sure will be long and difficult try to put it on! I hope more people know to have a community. 

i hope you will continue to see my comments i will stick with this game i promise i will update my comment sometime,thanks for reading

我使用谷歌所以我希望没有语法错误uwu在我看来游戏非常好情节让你扮演一个上班族的角色,他正在与他的危险疾病作斗争我非常喜欢它具有深刻的内省性和角色控制的乐趣 这是我喜欢的部分,否则生存的高度接近但它不能阻止我与主角遇到的人一起享受故事,我很想有一个角色图片~~~谢谢作者做这项工作你做得很好!!!我是亚洲人(非中国人),英语不太好,但我仍然喜欢这款游戏,感谢阅读我的意见,希望你继续开发这款游戏。

i used google so i hope there are no grammatical errors uwu in my opinion the game is very good the plot lets you play the role of an office worker struggling with his dangerous illness i quite like it It's deeply introspective character control fun gameplay That's the part I like about otherwise, the height of survival is close but it can't keep me from enjoying the story with the guys the main character meets and I'd love to have a character picture please~~~ and thank you The author did this work you did a great job!!! I'm an Asian (non-Chinese) person and not very good at English but I still love this game thanks for reading my opinion I hope you continue to develop the game.