Thank you kindly for so fast reply O.O I hope that the "someone" is Ornell - fingers crossed and I am off to buy it <3
Recent community posts
Thank you so very much for the demo! I can't wait for the full release :3
-Whose route would you choose first? And why?
Vicenzo, no questions asked. He hits all my trope boxes and sells the two-faced prince persona so DAMN well. Best thing is I can kinda see, the start or semblance of some feelings from his side?? Or maybe I am delusional... Either way, I like him a lot.
-What's your favorite scene/event?
The dance with Vicenzo felt very memorable and I could feel the sparks flying. When I think about it... basically every scene with Vicenzo? I am definitely biased.
-Are you interested in playing the full release? (The full game will be PAID)
Yes, I am actually on my way to get extended beta :D
-Are the LIs villainous enough for you?
I admit that Edel is not quite doing it for me, he is like unhinged psycho while Vicenzo is the flair I like. Calculating bastard if you will.
I finished Leo's route in both of your games and let me say, I'm now depressed that there is no more content :D I seriously want to see my favorite power couple ruling or doing their thing. It was such nice experience really that I almost didn't notice the absence of steamy/bedroom scenes. There were tons of tender moments that made their relationship and married status believable. Leopold is so deeply in love with his wife and at the same time doesn't lose his personality. This is honestly refreshing to see because usually in otome stories you are to "reform" the LI and make him abandon his evil plans or whatever. Leo however is dead set on his course, which I find wonderfully realistic.
Now... I should go and weep probably. I want more Q.Q