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A member registered May 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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Actually theres a bug that can let you do that (cross legs + chair), play stage 37, back to main menu then custom rules, but DO NOT change the binding rules, on the list it will show as blank

Just play random lvl, the chance is how much lvls u cleared

oh ye ur right, it does "magically" grabbed the key, did the same thing as u did, just nothing on clear lol

it will make u stand on ur foot immediately, u will fall after tho, on the foot's spot

which door? on stage 37 just head to the spot with no doors

on stage 38 u have to open the door with feet

u mean stage 37-38? usually just use LMB to reposition feet and then R for some easy "warp", once ur out of bomb range, safe

try like getting momentum with rmb/lmb +w/s

thats wot i do

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nope, tried to clear laat stage again after been re-captured 4 times, nothing, do really hope can unlock belt binds

i did finish the lvl 38 with legs crossed luckily lol and it just unlock hair and costume, maybe ill try again

hope on later updates can have spandex full bodysuit owo

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i do, cleared stage 38, been wanderin through stages and keep repeating stages, but no avail

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ye cant find those lol, any tips? the unlock says 7/7 gag and 11/11 color

ty so much,  it really helps *thumbs up

trying to play it on another pc, but i cant seem to find the save files already finished the game, any help?

there's gag 8?

bought the game, it is good lol, lvl 26 is hard lol, is catsuit unlockable?