"Hello and nice to meet you! I took a look at your MedicineCreek V2 map and noticed you have a known issue about emmisivelightshader.xml this has been replaced by glowshader according to GDN {GIANTS Developer Network} (giants-software.com) (for fs19 to 22 conversions)
To correct in your scenario please open your map.id3 file in a text editor (i recommend notepad++), find offending line around line 455 and comment out like so...
<!-- <File fileId="826" filename="$data/shaders/emissiveLightsShader.xml"/> -->
<File fileId="671" filename="$data/shaders/flagShader.xml"/>
<File fileId="333" filename="$data/shaders/glowShader.xml"/>
(keep the commented reference if you wish or remove it.)
then search for customershaderid="826" which is around line 2372 and 2375 change both to customshaderid="333"
Hope this was helpful, keep up the great work and if you need future help I'm willing to assist"