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A member registered Jun 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! I've had to shift focus on life stuff for a while but development has resumed now that things died down, it's become a passion project besides uni and work so progress is slow and I work on it when I have the time to.

When I do roll out an update I'll do so with an announcement, to get notified for that you could follow me!

Heya, thanks for playing! Portions of the print out will definitely change, in the sense that things will be added to it. You wont have to replace your baby in its entirety!

tytytyty! I loved Disco's system and wanted to experiment with it really badly, this project was the perfect excuse. Very curious how other people might apply it in their own projects as well!

I'm also glad the PDF-on-the-side gameplay was an enjoyable part of it; personally love games that require you to take notes or sketch maps to progress, those were a big inspiration for me :3

Thank you for playing it means a lot! Things are in the works slowly but surely, planning to update the demo one more time with some additional content and tweaks before working towards a 1.0 release (which will hopefully also go up on steam)

I am intrigued I've never heard of this web comic before, def looking into it thanks!

Thanks for playing, and still chipping away at it!

Thank you so much, it's been very motivating to see the occasional positive comment on here <3

Thanks for playing! Yeah the bog area is a very early version, it might even turn out quite different from its current demo version. Thanks for the pointers though!

(crossposted from my original Backloggd review)

A lot of trans media fails to capture what this VN manages to depict so effectively. We tend to focus on what trans bodies are -supposed- to look like, to the point where a lot of trans women and men internalize these ideas as goals they need to strive for. It doesn't matter if it's truly what they want, or if it's realistic, the "privilege" of their identity being respected hinges on these factors. Because some people just plainly suck or don't know any better.

Early into my journey I was enamored by submission, because it was only when I acted like this that I would be treated in the way I wanted to. It resulted in me frequently being taken advantage of and hurt, and being beset with expectations and desires that weren't my own.

It took me years to come to terms with who I wanted to be, finally deciding to start transitioning when what womanhood means to me fully crystalized.

I can see a lot of this process reflected back at me in this story, terrible abuse interspersed with happy moments that make you forget, if only for a day or two.

Being told what to like, how to look, how to behave, what to do; it has a sickening comfort to it that can become addicting. It's dangerous to give your own journey over to someone else, their whims and preferences are anything but yours.

To cap off this "review", it made me think about the voice training I plan to start soon. Despite being on hrt for over 2 years my voice seems to remain a large barrier towards being gendered correctly.

I personally don't mind my voice, never have and probably never will. This will likely be another thing in my transition I'm doing for the sake of others, rather than myself. It's important to reflect on these instances, to weigh the pros and cons, and make sure it's my own choice.

I think I will be doing this voice training regardless, but atleast I'll be confident in the fact that I chose for it, and relish the ability to still whip out my masc voice whenever I deem it to be useful or funny.

that's both really funny and really touching thank you sm for that comment ;v;

Definitely an inspiration, thanks for playing!

Thanks for the comment! Yume Nikki and its spinoffs definitely deserve a whole essay of their own, could approach them in a ton of ways.

Rly glad to hear that, and thank you for playing!

Thanks for playing and sharing your thoughts!

Ideally I'll strike a balance yeah. I don't think they're mutually exclusive, as learning about the wildlife enables you to not only progress, but learn more about your own relationship to Anders.

Current version of the game doesn't showcase much of that though, hoping to push out an update to the demo which does add that more overtly. After that will be the long haul to a 1.0 release!

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Here you go in that case: scrubb'd

Thanks for playing and the feedback! The game is going to be a decent chunk longer, The current build is about 1/4th of the envisioned experience. I'll be putting out a devlog with the next big update so hopefully that'll notify you!

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tysm for playing! The survey was for a research project but that's closed now, currently working the data into a paper that i need to turn in oncoming Monday lol. Game is still in development tho, and left the link to the survey in your video's comment section!!

Hey everyone! I'm currently looking for testers of this current iteration on my uni graduation project. The game is 10-15 minutes long and the questionnaire linked in the project's description takes around 5, any feedback here would also be appreciated and of huge help <3
password: gruntling

Hell yeag, rly fun game! Looking forward to how it develops further.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! Oneiro is currently still in development, this is a snippet of the full intended experience. With future updates, channels will be added and those will (hopefully) answer your questions in full!

Beautiful work

It somehow kept surprising me and I'm glad I stumbled onto it! The not-knowing-I'm-painting-while-painting aspect of it was especially inspiring to me.

Thank you!

We've posted the cart!

We'll be releasing Fishy Friends on the BBS when the school assignment surrounding this project is finished up, so it can be accessed through splore. Should be by the end of this week!

fun game! the enemy's bullets tend to blend in with the background but it all works very well.

Thanks for playing! Your video was definitely a fun and informative watch for us, so thanks for the snippets of feedback as well!

This is amazing, always loved the concept of digital museums/interactive educative applications and you nailed it. Great work!

Still take issue with your idea of glorification, but it's probably not worth getting into. My guess is that preteen alt TikTok girls with Kuromi profile pictures don't really browse itch that often, but I could be wrong. Maybe the tidal wave is fast approaching, like the calm before a storm or the sea pulling back before a tsunami hits. If that's the case good luck and have fun!

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Don't worry, I'm sure people, much as myself, have taken the time to read your comment.

But when you click on and play a game with the sub-title 'An anti-capitalist clicker for all ages' you should at least expect whatever you find inside.

People can and will express their opinions through their chosen medium, this being games, painting, writing or whatever else! You can disagree of course, but to call a work that's very honest and straight-forward with its messaging brainwashing is quite a stretch.

Good to hear you still had fun with it though, I enjoyed it a lot as well.

Jaaa enemies ga ik sws toevoegen (samen met uitleg over wat je moet doen ;v;)

Ligt eraan, als de line of sight gebroken wordt door de muren kan t goed werken denk ik.

Amazing, dankje! Wist niet dat de lightweight RP 2D lighting supportte!

speed * Time.deltaTime jongeman >:)))

Een visualisatie voor de attack cooldown zou heel chill zijn, maar een FPS tower defense game lijkt me sws wel leuk (also Squazzard best title dabdab)

Helaas is het donkere deel niet pitch-black, maar als dat gefixt is is ie vgm wel leuk en uitdagend!

Leuke mechanic! Kreeg tt niet voor mekaar om t spook de lever over te laten halen tho, mis ik iets of is ie nog niet af?

De ghosts lijken me door de muren te kunnen zien af en toe ;v; verder een nice concept, alleen van achter kunnen excorcisen is een hele goeie.

Super nice! Leuke puzzel mechanic die veel ruimte biedt voor uitbreiding! Wel klein vraagje, zijn de objecten 2D of 3D? Als ze 2D zijn hoe de fuck heb je de lighting zo goed gekregen i MUST KNOW