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A member registered Jan 23, 2021

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This is nice, it feels good to use it. Nothing feels extra, all the features are quite polished.

Areas of play could be made, like big rectangles with a tagg added, there could also be pieces to be moved around.

Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers

It was a neat game, the romantic thought were fun, but as the princess was described further I started to think "What the f*ck did I bring from the dungeon?", she isn't described as much as the other characters, and she doesn't speak, so my thoughts steered towards "I brought a horrible monster who is controling my mind to my home". I'm glad the game it didn't confirm these thoughts, but I'm also upset it didn't deny them, nor explored the hot sex. Anyway, good game.

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My first mission is to make a dominant subject have submissive sex, so I tried a few different aproaches, first I tried doing it with a subject that was active, but that wasn't enough for the mission, so I looked for subjects with the keyword "dominant", I found them, I made them more submissive, but they still didn't have submissive sex, wich was quite weird. I decided to go to a very dangerous place, make them submissive, pacifist and sex nimphomaniacs, but they still didn't have submissive sex. It's like the option of making them more submissive does nothing.

I even managed to get them raped, but the mission was still not complete.


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There is an error that doesn't allow me to save, at the beggining it didn't happen, then it happened intermitently, but now it never allows me to save.

It didn't let me copy the error from the browser alert, so instead I took screenshots:

This is amazing, rewriting the insides of your game to make it expandable and more flexible is a lot of work. I'm happy to hear the transition went well.

Yes, that was it, thank you.

How do you make all the names and details of towns appear for a static image?

Thanks, I'll try it that way.

I couldn't hire anyone from the audition even though I had the money, it seems to be broken. I'm playing on browser, brave.

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Thank you!

I can't click the right mouse button while pressing the left one in my computer, could you add an alternative to rotate pieces like a key from the keyboard?

I can't find the last 2 anywhere in the map

I found you can press x to change places with the blue square and get an impulse in it's direction.

Looks good, a faster way to move like a sprint or jump would be nice.

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I was guessing that it was a point and click, but I got stuck at "now class let's begin." Maybe that's just the end of the current content.

I'm stuck at the starting screen, how do you start the game?

Man, I really want to see the continuation of this. 

Maybe there could be some "fortuitous" encounters ; ) or maybe dangerous situations you can opt out of like secret tombs that give the chance to aquire something if you solve a riddle, make the right choices or solve a puzzle; you could get some martial arts, artifacts, or a simple upgrade to your atributes.

It's just a sugestion, what you have done to this point is really cool and I would love to see what it leads to.


Amazing game, it would be nice to be able to do an aeo from time to time.

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I think you should add some kind of upgrade system, otherwise it becomes a bit too stale and also too dificult.

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I have the same problem, I try pressing up and down or w and s when the scene asks me to do it, but it doesn't do anything.

Edit: pressing spacebar seems to make it raise the glass, but I couldn't find the key to make it leave.

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This looks cool, do you know if there are specialized libraries? For example, to have a double buffe, do flyweight or have a built-in game loop. I'm asking mostly because I'm lazy.

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Estuvo muy copado el juego, fue divertido saltar de monte en monte buscando las gemas mientras evitaba los meteoritos, y después la lava y el agua.

Hello, how do I open the game? There are only 2 executables: Id43 and Id43d, neither of wich seem to open the game.

This is an amazing guide for online ero roleplaying, wich sounds like an overly specific thing, but it's pretty common in online comunities where porn/hentai is abundant. There are many situations where you don't know if you are doing it right, if it's getting boring or if you should give a twist to the situation, and I think this guida kinda helps with that. Thanks

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Medio corto el juego, pero está interesante la idea

In menus the game doesn't seem to fit into the frame, and when I win the text get's cut off and I can't continue, maybe because the button is out of the frame.

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It was an amazing story, I did my best to make her healty. And at the end I just cried. Thanks


Hello, if you didn't use your money wisely but by luck got to a higher level than your equipment alows, then you get stuck there because there is no way to go to a lower level to earn money and get a better weapon.

Finally made it.

Now I can't do the high jump :(

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That doesn't seem to be the case, I tried staying in place and pressing x repeatedly and fast, then slowly, then holding it or in staccato, non worked.

Edit: I think I found the pattern.

Edit 2: I didn't know you could open the house basement, I found the tackle by accident on the surface and tried using it in the cave to the right. Thanks for answering.