well i'm saudi so i don't pay any taxes
even though i wanted to try the game -_-
Recent community posts
hello i fnished your game and enjoyed it , but there is 2 things i wanna say
1-putting rezero MC as some thug made me laugh so hard i almost choked
2-i know this game is mostly 18 but i'd enjoy it more if some characters are not just erotic like 1 or 2 normal cute romance character with out nsfw stuff
just saying, it's alright if you don't want to but anyway i enjoyed your game (:
1- i really love the style of the game although some places and backgrounds need some props to feel more alive
2-the background music feel a little repetitive but it alright
3-i loved the characters look but there is two things kinda annoy me about them, (1)-when they talk it sound like ''Animal Crossing'' its kinda bad but its alright if it stays the same, (2)-the way they move and look around make you feel like they are screaming I AM NPC!!!, it would be great if they act a little more realistic like sitting while talking to you or moving their arm while talking.
in the end i liked your demo and hope to see more update
have a great one (:
1-the idea of the protagonist being a pot of plant made me laugh soo hard
2-the small movement and the art style is actually soo cute i'm impressed
3-the background makes the place look like a post-apocalypse and i liked it
4- the end was weird and kinda cute(:
the game is nice but it could be better with a proper story (:
i thought the protagonist would look like this '_'

the story is playing with my emotions which is good
but i think this game makes me hate humans and the future even more hahahaha
i actually enjoyed it and looking for the next chapter
take your time (:
but out of all names you chose peter, worst name to me -_-
BTW there is a problem with the android pouting face
(i know its an AI problem just saying)