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Short Leg Studio

A member registered Jul 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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Unfortunately, we do not have a save option for the web game. The downloadable game can be saved and the game is now on free to play on Steam and that has a save function.  Thanks for playing!

Thank you for the kind words!

Thanks for playing!

yay! Glad you like it! We are putting out a little update tomorrow--mostly tweaks to game play but I am very excited about the new watering can animation--it waters plants faster! Thank you for your patience, we are working on a very big update that will come out in September.

hi! You don't actually have to water them all before the end of the day. They just won't give you extra rewards at night if they need to be fed or watered. Once you feed and water them again in the morning they will be back to totally fine! Thanks for playing!

When taking a screenshot, you can "grab" the center of the camera view and move it side to side. But if you move the cursor outside the square, nothing will happen. We are planning on adding instructions, sorry if it is confusing!

Thank you so much for checking it out!

Thank you so much for your

Oh thank you for the kind words! We really appreciate it.

(1 edit)

If you go back to your save, does it still not work? We haven't seen this bug before so any details really help us---we also have a pretty big update coming out in the next week so that might take of this issue!

Also, you might be able to afford the plant but if you switch to another pot it will be more expensive. The base price is in the terracotta pot.

Are you playing this on the Itch app (downloaded version) or the web? Did it happen right away or after a couple of in game days of playing?

That you for your review! Look for a big update coming very soon!

Thank you so much!

Thank you for the kind words!

yay! no need to apologize-computers are weird!

Also, if you feel comfortable joining our Discord channel, you can post screen shots and we can try to help you there.

let me get our Mac dev on it!

ok, it sounds like it might be the double instances of the same stand bug coming back. Our main programmer is on a minibreak but will be back next week so hopefully we can get this sorted soon. Thank you so much for letting us know what is going on. One quick question, is the second apartment unlocking for you? That is another bug that just came up today. (Also, feel free to join our discord to share any screen shots of bugs-it's very helpful!)

one more thing--if you accidentally close the game without going to the main menu and selecting "Save & Exit" you will lose all progress. We do not currently have an auto save function. We have been testing and not able to recreate your bug. Let us know if you keep experiencing it. Player feedback is what keeps us going!

Oh no! I am sorry this is happening!
Have you tried the new build that we released yesterday Feb 2nd? We had another tester that was having issues with a few items disappearing and we think we have fixed that now because it was tied to having multiple instances of the same plant stand but have never heard of all the items disappearing!
If it isn't fixed in the latest build we would love to get a copy of your save to test.

Also, I wanted to let you know the moth orchid will be coming in the 3rd apartment and that is a plant from Indonesia!!

oooh thank you for the suggestion! I will try to figure out how to work in a rafflesia arnoldii! I saw a specimen of this plant at the Natural History Museum here in NYC and was blown away by how cool it looks! It's so big in real life--you might end up seeing it as a painting in our new art gallery!! Thank you for playing!

Yes! We are currently working on a mac option for when we do our next big update. Thank you so much for your feedback!

Thank you for the input!

Just to clarify, you think they are moving too fast? Or you are making too much money too fast? Thank you for playing and giving us playtesting feedback!

Beautiful art and I love how you brought everything together.

We are working on a downloadable option that has a save function! We have one more big update in the next couple of weeks and then the saveable version will be coming up soon after. Be sure to follow us so you know when the updates come out. Thanks for playing!

Very cute and cozy game! I enjoy combining the elements.

Hi! Wanted to let you know that our latest update now includes a little robot you can buy that will auto collect your coins!

Just wanted to let you know our new update has a robot that you can purchase that will auto collect your coins! 

Thank you for the kind words! and YES! we are planning to add quite a few more plants to grow as sprouts. This was our first to test it out. Plants that grow from sprouts will not be available as full size plants in the shop. Look out for more sprouts in the next few weeks.