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Journaling Games

A member registered Nov 24, 2016 · View creator page →

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working on some updates. you are the best!


fantastic game and love the style. any chance of a sending a wallpaper of Lorraine? lol

yooo...I remember the original demo....sorry to hear for your loss- hope you finish the game. love the atmosphere.

bath tub. give the guy cigarettes and a lighter for the knife.

really enjoyed it!

game is fast, looks like has a lot of is chance to breathe...sheesh.

great game.

this game was cool, I just finished a game jam about wrote about the House of Leaves, and then this!

Let me know if you need any help with the dialogue or context! Happy to help.

It has a lot of potential but some people just use it as an excuse to really weird stories that don't need to be told LOL. I see it, kid's stories are full of imaginations and crazy plots that you don't know where they are going...that's what I like about it. They really avoid the classic tropes with endings.

I love it! I've been sick the past two weeks but I hope to upload the other chapters I have and hear more from you!

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Version 1.1 has been updated after I did a playthrough with my son. I will be updating another playthrough adding on to the original playthrough and updating both documents. Hope this helps!

Play through coming soon!

That game was awesome!

Thank you, trying to upload a playthrough this weekend!

I'll check out that link. Yeah, I figured this book is deep...cosmic deep!  I was inspired by TYOV (Thousand Year Old Vampire) which could have used a bit more instructions because I bought the book then Youtube'd it to find a playthrough and really enjoyed it. I plan on uploading a playthrough hopefully by the end of this week and then I'll have a friend re-read and wordsmith it for me, I just had to get the idea out of my head before I forgot it! Thanks for the feedback!

You got it. I'll try to knock it out this week and share!

well that filled up my entire screen lol

got the physical, highly recommended.

i was a big fan of the corrupted data part getting the really made me feel like aw nah...i'm trapped...and then the time progressed...and I was like whew!

the peeking dude was legit

great game, i did notice a few little glitches like...i'd die then restart and then die right many touch that code to not kill when you respawn...and when dying while entering the respawn at the code box then it transports you back to another spot....other than that I wasn't a big fan of the ghost like feature which it going dark, I like that backrooms are light and you can see what's coming at you...but i wishlisted and steam and will keep an eye out for the complete version!

Do you suffer from insomnia and try to avoid the conventional methods of using more media to keep you awake?

Well, join the Bizarro Fiction Solo Journaling Insomnia Game Jam!

This is only for paper (digital) not actual video game submissions.


Write a solo journaling scenario with multiple short sessions (the more absurd the merrier).

Write a crazy story that will get the reader/journaler involved.

That's it!

Don't know what the Bizarro Fiction genre is?

DuckDuckGo defines it as: Bizarro fiction is a contemporary literary genre, which often utilizes elements of absurdism, satire, and the grotesque, along with pop-surrealism and genre fiction staples, in order to create subversive works that are as weird and entertaining as possible


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My goal is to write a short story about a mythical monster named "the hot dog man," the caveat to the journaling experience is that the prompts will actually create the lore for it by the end and I hope people will share what they came up with!

I uploaded the first chapter but then had a crazy idea for a game called Social Spirits...I'm having way too much fun.

What are you working on!!??

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Welcome fellow solo-journal & bizarro fiction lovers!

I hope you use this as a push to pants a silly/absurd/plain weird story!

Encourage others and make sure to finish it of course!

Be sure to share what you are are writing about in the "sharing" thread.

thanks for giving us the push!


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I think I flubbed it too, I posted to my page but apparently didn't submit it. my bad.  totally new to this game jam thing. did  i miss it?

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and that's it! It's done. It needs work but dang it, this game jam took this thing from sitting for 5 years to being organized. More updates to come!


yeah on Twitter when I posted it! How crazy right?

i agree, this game was the business and the fact junji ito liked it...yeah. you set the bar.

As a father of 3 and a full time job, time is so scarce!  OK, I can hopefully finish somewhat of a completed game and update it later!

OH crap I been slacking, anyone else? The bad part is I'm almost done too. LOL.

OK, everyone, finish your damn RPG, there's a lot of us in here! Let's get motivated.

Maybe the download didn't load the whole thing for some reason last night- it was the 9 page (Kaiju don't care about you scans),but I tried again and it worked this time. Maybe it was just being weird- anyhoo~ I gave ya a follow, and looking forward to the replacement art too.

I sincerely enjoyed it, the only feedback I would say is that the single pages one has all the card types, the PDF one does not, it's missing the last page. 

this game is great!!! i hope to see more!!