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A member registered Sep 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback i had to complete it in 1 day because i won't have time to do it on the 2nd and 3rd day of the jam. I  will try to make a better game next time !

thanks it was my first jam so i made a lot of mistakes xD but anyways thanks for playing !

ik it's my first jam it sucks

i sure would but i also don't know that much of pygame i know python but i never made any game using the pygame package here is a video i found which might help you i know its long but try to learn the basics so you can build a game.Also make sure to use pyinstaller to convert it to a exe and also make sure to use pyinstaller's --onefile and --icon=uriconfile.ico to make it onefile and also give it a icon

(1 edit)

Unity is good both for 2d and 3d  but if you want to make a 2d game and don't want to install unity then you can use pygame which is a package of python

"akp" version lol its apk

yo this is like the beta version of karlsonit looks same as it 

This game is very good i like so much !!!!!!!!!!

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