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A member registered Aug 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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great job! Well made mechanics and good aesthetic vibe! 

Haha i Love it. Thanks for playing!!

This is awesome! love the 3d top down perspective and the palette was well chosen. Combat doesnt feel clunky at all and UI is easy to navigate. Great work!

Great Spritework/Animations even the lighting looks pretty! movement is cool too, the wall jump was a nice touch. The Spell system was a little confusing at first but i got the hang of it!

This was actually very fun and impressive that it runs so well using HTML5. Great work!

Great Spritework and animations! and very clean movement. the only thing ill say is you may want to give the UI some visual feedback or provide some controls as i spent a few minutes before i realized there was an inventory. Great Job Man!

thanks so much for the feedback!  Dropping items was added at the very end because i had some friends test it and complain they couldnt grab the right item or theyd pick up more than one and it wouldnt count towards the needed one. The prompt to pick up is a great idea, shoulda thought of that!! Lol

thanks again for taking the time to check it out!  

UI is clean and aesthetically comfy. Gameplay is fun,  creeping darkness was a great call on interpretation of shadows.  Great job making something complete and playable before the deadline! 

WOW! Good Stuff man, i think i may use this in my game. If you have any more I'd love to hear it.

These aesthetics are what pixel-art indie games dream to be. Well done!  Drawing some huge inspiration from this. 


 Sorry, didnt see that.

(1 edit)

believe it or not, i started working on this before the war in ukraine...

This is my first attempt at designing, developing and executing a Typing game! 

i have learned much during this experience and cant wait to get working on my other ones.

this is still pre-release, there are some features id like to add before i do a final polish and begin any sort of boosting for it. 

posting it here to get any honest feedback or criticism from those with much more experience than I. 

Lastly, this game was made to make you laugh, not to offend anyone!