I'm stuck in a loop where every time Kelly wakes up, she's assaulted by tentacles, causing me to lose almost the entire day.
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So I just got the game yesterday and I'm stuck in a part on episode two. The only events/quests I have are event 3: the ribbon pageant, with lola and event 4: the age-old question for hermione. I can't do either as I haven't done a promo video with hermione yet and I don't have her ribbon outfit. I have also purchased every outfit and hair i currently can. I've also never received and event for hermione, I've only ever had event 4 available. I don't know what to do next.
On version 1.35 I'm unable to call Ash to start the next thing. When I click on the button the UI just closes. The only time the text box appears saying "Kelly took out her phone and called Ash." Is when I've pressed the call button at all throughout the day and click the bed at the end to sleep and end the day then the text box appears as the graphic of Kelly sleeping is on but of course it disappears and nothing happens when she wakes up.