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Shura Matoi

A member registered Aug 17, 2019

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I can't for my favorite to be in it. ❤️Marie❤️

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Lee is pretty great but i can't wait for marie she's my favorite😍  also it's been a while how ya been


and I love this game!!!!!

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Hey man my condolences to you I'm sorry for your loss. Take as much time as you need and like I told you before we can wait so in the mean time just worry about yourself and get better.

Glad to have you back in the seat.

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No one should have any reason to be upset at you about this all that matters is that you got out of it ok. Don't worry about the release date for the next build man take care of your problems first a good lot of us are understanding and patient take care of yourself first.

(P.s Hey man been awhile since I commented on one of your post)

Glad to see how well your progress is going so far but just remember don't overwork yourself ya hear.

This was very enjoyable and hilarious 10/10

Only 300?? I honestly thought you had more cause you definitely deserve more. You're an amazing person and so is your game. I'm also glad that you beat covid. I believe that I actually had it myself a good couple weeks ago considering I had many of the symptoms that were listed for it but I got better though unfortunately I gave my mom it but she's pretty much better now. I assumed someone at my work gave it to me and what with me being careless accidentally ended up giving it to her as well. But enough about me glad now you're doing well now and remember to pace yourself while working on this and don't overwork yourself ya hear.

Here's a W E L C O M E B A C K Dance for you.

Take your time and don't push yourself too far now. Personal health comes first. I'm also glad to hear that your dad is doing better and looking into treatment.

I gotta say after playing chpters 1-4 I'm so totally hooked on this and I'm downright enjoying this game. You're doing a great job so far. The atmosphere you give certain scenes I love it and god the characters are just so loveable(excluding cecilia). I can't wait to see this games future progression. 

Best of luck to you!

Pretty good so far. I already know who I'm romancing. Also I can't wait to see further development of this game. Best of luck to you!

Pretty great demo. A lot of work was put into this and it really shows. Really loved the music as well as the menu and dialog. The animations were also pretty nice. I wish you the best of luck in the making of this game and that all goes well for you. Can't wait to see what else come down along the road in the next updates.

Thank you for sharing your story with us. I can imagine it must have been hard going through what you went through. I hope you are doing well now. 

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Jayden is really adorable


I also love the animation nice job. Here take this love.

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I'm unfortunately having the same problem as well, though when I hold tab it'll make me go down the page.

Hi glad to hear that you're still alive and well. It's good to hear from you again, I do hope that you'll be able to catch up in your classes and not stress yourself out Remember not to push yourself to far now ya hear. I will lastly leave you this parting heart as a loving encouragement :)

yay that's good to know

'Scuse me for asking but will their be futa content added to this?

That last can man, that was quite a surprise. Glad I decided to play this.

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This was pretty great for a demo, the descriptions were very detailed and enough to keep me going. I also can't wait to get to know more about Ally she seems like a really nice character

Hey good to see you again hope your doing well the animations for this are looking really nice. Keep up the good work and don't exhaust yourself.


Edit: oh right I had forgot you mentioned its meant to run on 1920x1080. I'm sorry about that I didn't mean to waste some of your time like that my apologies.

I'm on google chrome and 64bit os. I also did try the downloaded version after my attempt with the browser version but unfortunately got the same result.

Unfortunately for me I'm unable to play it even when I put my browser in full screen mode the images and text are still cut off.

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No need to push yourself too far take your time. What you've come up with for management sounds like a good idea and we'll continue to be here supporting you and patiently waiting. Like I said before can't rush perfection.

Nice job with the status menu it looks really great and good idea on basing the menu off of Digimon's World 1 status menu. I hope your having a good week and are doing well.

Gotta say you sure are putting your all into this and as always that's amazing though as usual I do hope that you aren't overexerting yourself.

Keep up the good work!

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Incoming love and support from me as always keep up the good work😊

 The popups for when you catch or miss are really nice and remember no stressing yourself out. I hope you're doing well.

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This was really great I was kinda surprised I was able to play this on my phone on the mobile version of this site considering how I haven't downloaded the apk(yet😉) I honestly didn't think I'd be able to and I didn't really encounter any problems besides a lag but that was cause of my phone. Your animations are always so great 100/100s keep up the amazing work you're fantastic.

P.s that bonus scene was a nice touch that lovely ass

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Your welcome😊 and thank you I'm really glad you enjoy my messages.

Continue on doing a great job "can't rush perfection" as I'm sure the game will be all the worthwhile when it's finally completed.

P.s don't push yourself too hard.

Pp.s Renamons booty is where it's at

Ppp.s giving you some encouraging love

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You're doing great as usual and your animations are always amazing don't you worry it's understandable. Hope your doing well and safe in these crazier times and remember not to stress yourself out and take your time after all the saying is "can't rush perfection" right.

(lets just pretend your name is dave x) )

P.s mmmm those ass ripples 

and those sex sfx animations are such a nice touch

Amazing keep up the good work. Hope both you and null are doing well.

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I never really wrote a review before so here goes nothing (cause I don't feel I got the brain capacity for that but aanywaaaayyy.) I have to say I tremendously love this game normally after I'm done playing a game I downloaded I'd usually delete it or uninstall it but I can't see myself doing that to this game after how good it was but man that true ending left me feeling so conflicted. I can say not a lot of things leave me in a state where I would walk back and forth in place and leave me to discuss what I've read or played to myself and I can say this game definitely did just that. I could relate to Eris so much on the aspect of not wanting to risk being in a serious relationship again in fear that it will end sourly and end up getting hurt tremendously from it. Being as how I ended up experiencing it from my last relationship.(thanks to my friend though I told him not to snoop around in it still ended up doing so hoping it would help me but by doing so made me come to a cold hard truth p.s ignore this if you wish it's not important and stupid.)  

(Even as I typed this, I was still in my conflicted feels from this game) After reading MuffinDragons comment I can agree with them up to their good memories part about cherishing them. I believe that but sadly I kind of see good memories as a double-sided blade because of course while they make you happy and remind of that good moment you had to me it also makes you wish you could relive it or try to replicate in which case could probably end up hurting you more knowing that doing that may not be possible and not as true as it was the very first time experiencing it and end up the same way.(but that's just me I'm kind of a depressed fuck) God I love this game but damn it but god I LOVE this game.

Also if anything never change that true ending you kept it real and people ought to know that's how it is even if it does hurt.(sadly.)

(my reaction playing through the game but still a fantastic game nonetheless thank you for the bittersweet experience.)

You're very welcome and I am. Thank you as well😊

great work as usual hope your doing well and are safe.
