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A member registered Feb 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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Awesome job! Really like this game so far.
Oh btw let us know what do u guys think of our game :)

Nice entry! I liked a lot the polish level for this game. Also sound design is pretty clean and basic but a lot effective.

Just rated your submission, I liked the concept behind the game maybe I think that you could make like some mechanics for the different items in the zone like making them interacting togethere so that the player could spice up the play style. Overall great entry :)

Thanks a lot for your valuable feedbacks! UI/UX rework is our main concern right now because we rushed a lot the coding aspect, debugging a lot of stuff. Definitely it will be way better in the next update :)

We decided to get rid of the mouse interaction because we wanted to keep the same layout keys during the whole game. But we are considering the mouse use in the menus+controls Uis. Thanks for the feedback 💪🏻

We are currently working on making it Web only, we thought it was a quick processo but in the Unreal version we are using there is no default "HTML export" feature. So right now we are compiling the Engine with plugins to export for web but it's a tedious process. Gonna pm you in the comments when we are able to make it. Can't wait you to check it out :)

Thanks a lot, we put a lot of work making the sprites unique, glad it pays off! :D

Thanks a lot, really appreciate that :)

Oh thats unfortunate, the packaged game is only available for windows :(
We are working to make it HTML5 for web since Unreal 4,27 version doesnt allow HTML export, we have to compile some plugins to make it web but its a lot time consuming and buggy. I will pm you if we can make it web

Just check your submission, amazed by every element of that. I cant wait to know your thoughts on our submission: https://itch.io/jam/1-bit-jam-n2/rate/2364341 

Wow! this game was a breath of fresh air, I see the same motivation in making games I have throught the experience: Making Art. The atmosphere, art, sounds, dialogues and gameplay loop all match in a well made craft. I know for sure you watched movies from David Lynch or Carpenter (if you dont I highly encourage you to do that)  because it reminds me a lot of them.. high long highways, deeply meaningful dialogues while cruising some long roads and a glim of mistery/surrealism through the story build up. Such an inspiring project, thanks for that.

Just played and rated your game. Have to say the concept is cool, we were aiming to a similar concept in our first brainstorming then shift to another one (fun to say ahah). Really like the gameloop just a quick feedback: The character attack has no "impact" cuz che enemies doesnt react to the hit so it feels a bit off and also when he takes damage he doesnt react; So just a quick fix and it will be on point. well done!  We are curious to know as well your thoughts on our submission: https://itch.io/jam/1-bit-jam-n2/rate/2364341, let us know :D

Just reviewed and rated your submissione, really nice! Loved it.
Oh we would like to know your thoughts and rate our submission too: https://itch.io/jam/1-bit-jam-n2/rate/2364341

Have to say this game was a blast! The concept is very creative but mixed with the level design and actions mechanic it makes it way better. Only feedback maybe reduce the spikes collider hit so something the npcs dont die and its less punishing, that said really amazed with this game so far. Good work :)

Just played your submission. Well, you said you work on that for only 3 days and little time so its a great base to make it better but I liked the mechanics so far, just maybe make the E switch a little faster so that I dont haave to wait 1s every time I switch. Game dev is hard and we know that so dont bring yourself down and keep grinding, good things will come :) (Not wanting to "teach people stuff" but just a reminder also to myself cause I struggle a lot with studying/work and trying to become a great gamedev).

Oh last but not least I would like to know your thoughts/rate on our submission too: https://itch.io/jam/1-bit-jam-n2/rate/2364341

Just checked and rated your submission. We would love to have your thoughts and rate on our submission too: https://itch.io/jam/1-bit-jam-n2/rate/2364341

Liked the concept and visual, would be great to have ocean enemies (octopus, sharks) and so on, or I dont know if I ever encountered one in the game. Btw just need a bit of sounds and it is perfect :)

Just played and rated your craft.
Oh we would like you to check out our submission and let ur know your feedback too :D

Really like the concept behind the game of death and rebirth with such a cute main character: a Dandelion. I think this game is supposed to play on mobile (right). Because the taps you can make with a touch screen would fit perfectly the gameplay. Well done, just need a bit of polish concerning the movement and its perfect.

Just rated your game, have to say: really like the concept and funny interactions between the cube and the capsule guy ahah. One checkpoint took me a bit to figure it out but its because Im bad at the game ahah. Well done! We would like to know your opinion and if you may rate our submission: https://itch.io/jam/1-bit-jam-n2/rate/2364341

Just played yours, so the concept is good I personally would like the movement to be a little faster but you can still work on that and that the bullets were limited so you would have to take ammos from something in the level. Needs just a little mechanic like that to spice it up a bit. Good job!

Just rated your submission, have to say the concept is great and a lot creative. Really liked the sound waves shapes with different effects in a rythm like experience. Little feedback: Try polishing out the movement and collision of the hits of your gun and it is perfect. Well done, oh last but not least I would like to know what you think/rate our submission: https://itch.io/jam/1-bit-jam-n2/rate/2364341

Thanks a lot, wait for your opinion :)

Very scary game indeed, really like the concept and feel of the game. Well done!

Rated and reviews. Very polished game, i would love to see a "grab/throw boxes mechanic". It could make the gameplay way more various. Well done! Im interested to know your opinion for our submission :D https://itch.io/jam/1-bit-jam-n2/rate/2364341

Pretty clever mechanics and platforming, really like the use of boxes in level design and weel balanced battery charge time through all the checkpoints, well done :D

Heres our submission: https://itch.io/jam/1-bit-jam-n2/rate/2364341

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Very clever idea, thanks to you. Oh btw I would like to know what you think of our game 😊

Been grinding it a lot! Damn that was tough but very very very intertaining, fun to say we had basically the same concept/idea with different twist ahah. Great job, here's our submission:  https://shxdz.itch.io/cursedcult

Damn that was quite a challenge! Very polished game my best was 60 Orbs, tried my best ahah

Oh btw let us know what you think of our game submission, we are working to get it on browser cuz we used UnrealEngine :S

Really great 80s platformer, brought me back to very old 1Bit games vibe. Great job, btw my best score was 60 collected! 

Just played it! Wow! Very cool indeed. I would like to know what you think of the game I did with my mate :)

Very cool story! Does it deal with addiction to something? Because I felt that the arcade games were something you end up losing yourself and people around you. Well done.

Thanks a lot! We really appreciate your feedback 😊

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First just want to say: Thanks for this Jam, such a great experience! Second: Me and my mate are going to grab some snacks and grind lots of games you guys made, link me up your game so that we will rate + comment them :)

Oh btw we would appreciate if you check our Jam Submission too: https://itch.io/jam/1-bit-jam-n2/rate/2364341

(1 edit)

We are a team of 4: Game Designer/UX (me), Programmer, Sound Designer, 2D artist/animator. But we are behind the schedule for the animation/concept assets (as you can tell by the characters holders in the video). We would need a Pixel Art Artist/Animator in order to submit the game well polished. Reply here or hit me up on Discord: ( "shadzz." or "Kazzinga").

Ye u right. What I meant is expand the plot but maybe it would lose its power. I can agree with you

It hasn't happened in years that a game made me cry. The sound combined with the simple but at the same time content dense worlds brough back in my mind some personal stuff that I almost left behind me. Congrats, you should make it a full game.

Awesome work! I send you a request on Discord :)

Me and my mate (Game Designer & Programmer) are looking for a Pixel Art artist and Sound Designer in order to boost our workflow and have fun togethere! Hit me up on Discord and check out our game in my page :D

Discord: "Shadzz." or "Kazzinga"