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A member registered Nov 05, 2013 · View creator page →

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Oh this is absolutely adorable! <3 Thank you very, very much! <3

Yea, it should switch if you press T on your keyboard. :) 

._. oh no... that is a really unfortunate bug...

Hmmm that's a tough one really. The game is done in a rather old engine at this point so maybe something is simply incompatible, but it's a bit complicated to really figure out what could be the problem here. Maybe this thread might help? https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/0/4652759797632489794/

Ah dang sorry about that. There used to be steam keys for the game but that backfired in a kinda bad way. It seems after changing it I might have missed to update or something? Also super sorry for answering a year later, this topic just kinda went under my radar it seems. :(

Thank you very much! <3 :D

Thanks for your concerne, but I can assure you that every asset in this game is created by me or (in case of music and sounds) licensed.

Thanks for your concerne, but I can assure you that every asset in this game is created by me or (in case of music and sounds) licensed.

Thanks for the headsup. Seems to have been an itch comment hickup, should work now :)

(1 edit)




Yup :)

No. Both games have light horror elements still, and there is also an underlining theme of it :) My interpretation of horror might be a bit lighter than most games, but I did not ditch the horror idea at all. 

Thank you :) It is. It will take a lot longer than I hoped for, but Tasty Ramen will come back!

Sorry! I forgot to click on the checkmark again. This happens way too often. It should be fixed now :) 

That is a bug that came with the newest update.  A fix for this is already send in, but we have to wait for nintendo to approve it :( 

That sure is a bit weird hmm. Are you perhaps not on a windows machine? From the top of my head, that is the only thing that would come to mind.

Heya, unfortunately I can't, the music is only licencesed so I can't release it outside of the game itself, sorry :(

I really, really, REALLY want to know what it is! Please share it, buyer. <3

OH! That's a really good idea! :D Thanks. I guess, I simply didn't realize how hard it is to see the platforms, because I knew them by heart after placing them. This is really helpful. :) 

I totally get you here. :) I tried to make the spooky elements more funny, and spoopy rather than actual horror. At least for the most part. I figured you have played the second pink town level yet, right? I admit the ending to that was a bit heavy in comparison to the rest (the jumpscare at the end). From now on it gets easier. The second ice level and the final one feature more horror elements but not nearly as bad. The second ice level has giant snowballs that open a mouth with teeth and growl at you when you come close so be warned. The final level looks weird, but does not feature actual horror or jumpscares.

Thank you. :) Yea, I always wanted to make a simple, straight forward little 3D Platformer. Usually I shied away from it, and for some reason tried to make Platformers with a lot of emphasize on atmosphere over gameplay.

They should be close to every other I think ( lefst stick walking, right stick camera, one button jump, one button holding down to sprint). I don't have a PS4 Controller, so I couldn't test it. Though the game only uses two sticks and two buttons, so it really shouldn't be too far off. :) 

Thanks. No unfortunately not. Might be an idea for the future. Though I am pretty sure, I know what stars are you talking about. You might want to check out the two aircraft carriers at the end again. Might have been a bit too cryptic after all :) 

Haha, thank you very much! :D I glad you accidentally found it and enjoyed it.

Thank you :) 

Ah dang, thank you very much. :) Hope you gonna like this one. If not: Tasty Ramen Episode 2 is going to happen.

Indeed. Though it isn't that spooky. More akin to spoopy elements to make it more interesting. Nothing to extreme or scary.

Thank you! :D

I made them myself in photoshop, gimp and milkshape 3D. Sounds are all source of places and music is done by https://twitter.com/jdmoser?lang=en

Thank you very much! I do my best :) 

Thanks. :) I only went away for around 1,5 years basically. It was a bit of a tough time

Thanks. :) Chapter 2 is in the works! :D

Thank you very much! :D

Glad it convinced you. :) 

Ah, thank you very much! :D Really happy you liked it, and appreciate the kind words. :)
Also I should have checked here first, before I wrote the tweet haha. 

Hey thanks for the heads-up :) I saw it already and was super happy about it. 

Thank you very much! :D

._. ...huh? That is cruel. That shouldn't be possible... I must have messed something up 

Honestly, feel free to rush me. :) I am starting to pick up the pace myself now, because I feel really bad for yet again staying way to silent and making too little progress. The thing is, I had to finish a few other projects on the side, in order to get a bit of a budget to actually make episode 2. This took way more time than I hoped it would. Also I got stuck on a few design desicition, especially concerning episode 2's new place. Episode 1 is still not finished because I need a few new voice lines for it, and quite frankly I want to include them in the first recording session for episode 2, so I don't have to do more recording sessions than needed. Also I need to finish the looks of episode 2's new place in order to tease it proberly in episode 1 :) You could say, I kinda suck at organizing this whole thing a bit. Though in my defense, it is my first jam game that I actually expand upon as well as my first actual episodic title and my first game with propper voice acting. I absolutely need to post more updates though!

Thank you very much! <3 Somehow I figured you would like it, hah! ;D