guess who back
He moving and eating now chat
He not doing well.
(update) He doing fine now he just came back from the vet
Hey guys I won’t be posting things that much there some issue with my dog he just went to the vet I just hope he be ok
idk. Hawk tuah.
sir I don’t think you should be on here like there predators here
hawk tuah. Me.
there minors here
dude what the hell
I will hawk tuah on ya
dude who the fuck said Plap plap plap, get pregnant in the whiteboard bro
I let him hawk tuah on me
nigga what the fuck
who drew a dick on my Mr freeman
hawk tauh. That me!
hawk tuah
tell him to hawk tuah
shut up and stop saying that before I hawk tuah on YOU
Yeucc tuah
I’m going to touch you
please kill yourself
spit on that thing
Stop fucking deleting my shit on the whiteboard god damn your fucking mad annoying just let me put Gordon freeman on there.
that was me actually.
No nigga I’m the one who wanted Wenda to do the thug shaker
why? What wrong.
ew like who would say that