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SID Gaming

A member registered Jan 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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The schedule is the absolute authority in the game, all the numbers there are correct as to the amount of content currently available...with the exception of the 12 girls, which is a known bug because of how "Multigirl" is listed in that same list.  Any villains that have "-" listed means they have nothing, as opposed to "X" which means you haven't done it yet.

Click the "About" link.
SID Gaming | creating NSFW Visual Novels | Patreon

Please read the large bold text in the game description.

Position has been filled.  Thank you to all who applied.

Hello, do you have any artwork samples you can send?

(1 edit)

NOTE 1: This is an ad for a NSFW game. If this offends you in any way, this ad is not for you.  All characters portrayed in the game will be over 18 years old.

NOTE 2: This is an ad to join a Patreon team, however in the past we have found that it works better for artists to be paid their usual commission prices (and not participate in rev share) and we CAN and WILL accommodate this.


We are SID Gaming, the developer of Park After Dark (Park After Dark by SID Gaming (, a NSFW parody visual novel.  While that project is still ongoing, we are looking to recruit a new artist for a follow-up project, this one parodying the world and characters of Total Drama Island.  As such, we are looking for an artist who can mimic the distinct style of the show – thick lines and cell shading.  We’d like the characters’ bodies to be drawn slightly more realistically (and can provide examples), but the faces MUST match the source material perfectly, as closeness to source material is one of the major draws for parody games like this.

We have created a detailed spec and even a tech demo for the game which we can provide at request, but here are the general positions we are looking for fill:

Character/Scene Artist/Animator – Able to draw the characters in the same 2D style as they appeared in the series.  This will include both bust art and “h-scenes” which must be cohesive to each other.  In addition to the nude “base” versions, we will also be requesting a few to several different outfit variations and facial expressions, so a good workflow will need to be established to be able to quickly and easily layer those, even to the point of returning to make edits or add more variations in future game updates.  We are also looking to upgrade the frame animations used in PAD to something more fluid, but this is more of a wish than a necessity.  Note that while male characters other than the MC will not appear in any scenes, we will need bust art for the entire season 1 cast.

Background Artist – Able to draw 2D backgrounds matching the ones which can be seen in the show.  This art must also be cohesive to the rest, but it’s listed as a separate position because we know from experience that some artists are better at or simply prefer doing either characters or backgrounds.

Anyone willing and able to take on both of these roles will be preferred.  Having experience working on visual novels is also preferred.  Also note that we are looking for someone interested in back-and-forth collaboration, someone who wants to "join the team" and not just be commissioned.  Though this game is not as ambitious at Park After Dark, there is a high probability that it will span multiple years’ worth of work, so we are looking for teammates who can responsibly commit to this project for the long haul.  Communication and work ethic is key, and once our sprints are planned out and scheduled, we ABSOLUTELY must stick to any deadlines we set.  We primarily use Discord and Trello to keep in contact and schedule work.

We can provide much more information, a detailed breakdown, and plenty of reference material for the game upon request.  If interested in joining the team, reply here, send a direct message, reach out on Discord (SID Gaming#1120), or send portfolio materials to

Please read the note in big bold letters in the game description.


Nope!  You need to max out an attraction's upgrades to get its camera event to spawn!

Available now for Prince tier supporters!


Assuming you're on PC, you can hover over each save and press the delete button on your keyboard.  You could also clear them all at once from %APPDATA%/RenPy/ParkAfterDark-[random numbers].

Available now for Prince patrons, 4/10/24 public

Available now for Prince-level supporters.

Public build 1-1-24.

Does she have legs?

Link updated again just now.  If you're still having trouble, it might be on your end.

Update drops for Prince patrons later today.

It's updated now.  They seem to go dead whenever Discord pushes an update, despite having set them to "Never" expire.

I just double checked and all the currently posted files are v0.17.  I can actually see them directly above your comment as I type this.  Are you sure you downloaded and updated correctly?

The first two of those are not yet complete-able.  They tease future content.

The v0.14 updates so far are beta test updates.  v0.14p will be posted here on 9/25/22.

Not all villains are fully implemented.  You don't need to keep clicking on their event triggers if nothing new is happening, the consequences will only be negative.  Use the progress menu to determine if everything is complete or not.

To unlock Belle, you need to make sure you've done everything with Aurora (minus dates, dates do not count towards other unlock progress ever), then talk with Yen Sid until he mentions her.  Everything else should happen from there.

The browser demo is only a very tiny part of the full game.  You should always use the download.  We may be removing the demo soon anyway.

v0.13p will be released on 7/27.

Must have changed after the last Discord update.  Use this one:

Top right in the original park.

It's in ToonTown (like it is in the movie).

If you have all the attractions, you should have unlocked it.  Unless you used cheats to get them.

v0.11 is already available for all patron pledge levels.  You can view the changelog here.

I'm not subscribed to Patreon.
Cheat codes are patron-exclusive.

In order, no, no, yes.

Cheat codes are updated with every new version released.

We make it a policy to not give game help.  You could try asking on the Discord.

You must start a new game this version.

We're actually not going to.  As a special treat, we'll be releasing v0.09 to everyone on 12/15.

That's enough!

Villains appear randomly.  This will be changing in the next version.

It's already out for Prince patrons.

Public build will be next month.

If you've already gone on dates with Cinderella and Aurora then the park rating is not blocking you.  You're missing other stuff.

No need to restart.  The dates are literally the only thing that park rating affects right now.  There's a very easy way to increase the park rating that but it sounds like you haven't gotten far enough in the story yet.